(Mark R. Simpson) (11/02/90)
As reported in this newsgroup, * f77 1.3 is INCOMPATIBLE with f77 1.2 (and earlier) object code. * Version 1.3 core dumps when writing binary files, as shown below: ccccccccccccccccccccc program bomb c c change (NP=300) -> OK c (NP,3000) -> BOMB !!!! c PARAMETER(NP=3000) integer i,np,lu real array(NP) data lu/3/ c open(unit=lu, form="unformatted", file="delete-me") c do 10 i=1,np array(i) = 0.0 10 continue c write(lu) (array(i), i=1,np) c stop end cccccccccccccccccccc So I have two questions, 1) Can an earlier version of f77 (say 1.1 or 1.2) be used reliably with SunOS 4.1? 2) For those of you who depend on using FORTRAN on a Sun, have you upgraded to 4.1, and if so, what other problems/difficulties have you encountered? Mark R. Simpson Philips Laboratories uunet!philabs!mrs North American Philips Corporation or Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 (914) 945-6163