[comp.sys.sun] Setting up a Client.

ras2@engr.uark.edu (Richard A. Smith) (12/09/90)

I am the newly promoted Sys Adm for a small network of Sun 4/110 (2 to be
exact one host and one client) at my job.  Sun Donated the Workstations to
us and all we had to do was purchase the disk.. Well the adminstration
only got the 327 Meg drive thinking that it would be plenty. So I am
looking at many ways of consevering disk space (and still have a usefull
system) The swap space has a lower limit of 40 megs per machine I
currently have 45 per machine.  Any suggestion on ways to squeeze more
megs from the disk would be apreaciated..

2. Since we have a small network (about as small as a network can get) I
would like to have the client boot up just like the host so instead of the
clients root being /export/client/root it would be the actuall root /
filesystem and all other filesystems be pretty much the same for the clie
host and the client.

Is this a good Idea??  I would like to do this because of the ease that it
would add to the task of installing software to run on both of our
machines (I hate unix software protection schemes!! They are a big pain.)
Necessary though I guess.

Any and all comments are welcome.  I really dread soring through the
hundredes of manual pages (on-line and hardcopy) that it would take only
to find that this is not a good idea for some unknown reason.  

Please make your responses as detailed as you wish!! I don't mind being
taken by the hand and  being led through the entire process.  And don't
take for granted that I really know anything relevant about sysem
adminstration be- cause I don't!  This is a really big step for me and I
am still a little bit overwhelemed.  (Having been a DOS user for 5 years)

Please E-mail reponses.

Richard A. Smith                      | Dont look at me, I'm still an 
ras2@engr.uark.edu                    |    undergrad!!
University of Arkansas @ Fayetteville | Disclamer: I'm a college student.