[comp.sys.sun] Summary: shelltool under OpenWindows

gbarker@mph.sm.ucl.ac.uk (Dr Gareth J. Barker) (12/18/90)

A few weeks ago I asked how to start up a process on a remote machine
under OpenWindows, using rsh rather than rlogin.  Lots of people replied
(thanks to anyone I didn't reply to directly) and between them said:

1) Make sure that you're getting the openwindows not the sunview versions
   of programs. (ie set PATH correctly).
2) Make sure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correctly set, so that the loader can
   find the X libraries.
3) Try the -n option to rsh. (This provoked a core dump here - no idea
4) Try using /usr/etc/setsid - see the man pages for why this is required.

Number 4 turned out to be the relevant piece of magic in my case.

From the above I've put together a couple of scripts (well hacks really)
that may be of interest to others.  The first, 'xvdo', tries to set up
your environment to be the same as Suns 'openwin' script before running a
named program, allowing compilations etc from sunview or a dumb terminal.
Usage is

	xvdo display-machine program 
eg	xvdo myhost csh - this will start a shell underwhich compilation 
			of xview programs will work as expected, etc. The 
			X display variable is set to myhost:0, but this 
			will be irrelevant in most cases.

The other script is xrsh, which calls rsh to connect to a remote machine,
and runs xvdo there, passing it some 'undocumanted' arguments to set up
the environment to be identical to that on your local machine, with the
exception of display and Xserver stuff.

Usage is
	xrsh machine program
eg	xrsh remote-machine shelltool - this will bring up an xview 
			shelltool on 'remote-machine' with its display 
			on you local machine.  All environment variables 
			(PATH etc) are preserved, but the X DISPLAY 
			variable is set so that further commands (eg 
			filemgr) will run on the remote machine but 
			display on the local one.

[[Ed's Note: Placed in archives on titan. -bdg]]

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