[comp.sys.sun] Curious about two tools

lwv27@CAS.bitnet (01/04/91)

1. Is there an updated version of teltool available?  The archive server
   shows nothing by that name - but I have seen discussions of a SunView tool
   wrapped around telnet, providing vt102 emulation.

[[Ed's Note: teltool is not in the Rice archives - it is available via
anonymous FTP from NCSA in Illinois ( -bdg]]

2. Is there a similar tool for ftp?

Larry W. Virden                 UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!lwv27
Same Mbox: BITNET: lwv27@cas    INET: lwv27%cas.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu
Personal: 674 Falls Place,   Reynoldsburg,OH 43068-1614
America Online: lvirden