[comp.sys.sun] Xview fonts and non-Sun servers

jmd@wrkgrp.com (Joseph M DeAngelo) (01/12/91)

>XView warning: Cannot load font '-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*' (Font package)
>XView warning: Loading default font 'fixed' instead (Font package)
>XView warning: Cannot load font '-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*' (Font package)
>XView warning: Cannot load font '-sun-open look cursor-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' (Font package)
>XView warning: Unable to find OPEN LOOK cursor font (Cursor package)
>XView warning: invalid object (not a pointer), xv_get
>X Error:  BadFont
>  Request Major code 94 ()
>  Request Minor code 0
>  ResourceID 0x0
>  Error Serial #43
>  Current Serial #74

I had this exact problem trying to hook a PC based server up.  Sun ought
to publish some sort of complete doc on this, instead of letting everyone
guess at this. >-(

Anyway, fonts are a server based resource.  Sun uses many non-X fonts in
Xview.  Also, they use extremely long aliases to further obscure the
matter.  To locate the exact file names for an alias look in
$OPENWINHOME/lib/fonts/Synonyms.list.  Sun also uses fonts in non-X
formats.  Most X servers want .snf format or .bdf .   You'll hve to locate
the current font set on your server to see which you want.  The font
filenames you'll want ( at least as far as my experience has shown ) are:

The Lucida-sans fonts:
lcds-b10.snf  lcds-t10.snf  lcds10.snf    lcdstb10.snf
lcds-b12.snf  lcds-t12.snf  lcds12.snf    lcdstb12.snf
lcds-b14.snf  lcds-t14.snf  lcds14.snf    lcdstb14.snf
lcds-b18.snf  lcds-t18.snf  lcds18.snf    lcdstb18.snf
The Cursor font:  olcrsr12.snf
The Glyph fonts: olglph10.snf  olglph12.snf  olglph14.snf  olglph19.snf

1) look up 'convertfont' in the Xview server guide to convert the above
   Sun based fonts to .bdf format
2) move the results to the font directory used by your server
3) use a utility on your server to convert .bdf to .snf if needed
   ( I had to use the -t option on 'bdftosnf' to get it right )
4) cd to that directory and run 'mkfontdir' to rebuild the directory
5) put the alias information from Synonyms.list into the file
   fonts.alias in the target font dir.  The syntax seems to vary
   between different servers as to whether the file name follows
   or precedes the alias and as to whether you need to enclose
   alias names with embedded blanks within single quotes.