(Anthony M Gades) (01/17/91)
I am writing to you to find out if anyone has ever heard of or helped with people that want to hook up a WORM (Write Once Read Many) drive to their SPARCstation 1+ machines. We already have one of these machines and we would like to incorporate it for mass storage purposes. I realize that reading the already existing files may well be out of the question, and that is not a real priority for us at this point. (the old files are DOS format) WHat we want to do is hook this up and have access to new files that we will create with our SPARC in UNIX format. I will give you a few specifics about the WORM drive: It is a Storage Dimensions LaserStor Optical Subsystem. It has a SCSI interface on the back and is capable of a "daisy chain" configuration. It is an 800 MByte model (400MBytes on a side per disk). That is about all that I can tell you off hand, any more detail that is necessary I can find out. WHat we want is the software drive to put this to use. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.