[comp.sys.sun] DAT tapestation for Sun Sparcstaion

peter@resam.dk (Peter Pedersen) (01/24/91)

We are looking for a DAT tapestation to a SUN Sparcstation, please send us
any good or bad experience with such a unit.

We have tried to run an Archive Phyton DAT tapestation on the SUN with the
following result:

Error: Block 1471, filenumber: 0
       Cmd: write, Sense key: media error.

Error: Block 1471, filenumber: 0
       Cmd: write_file_mark, Sense-key: media error.

We have tried different tapestations and tapes with the same result, we
have connected the unit as a standard 150 MB tapestation and have tried
both with the driver for the 150 MB Archive and with the driver for
Exabyte.  Does anyone have an idea of the problem ??

Thanks in advance
Peter Pedersen
SAS - Resam Project Office, Copenhagen, Denmark.