[comp.sys.sun] HP9000/720 vs. Sun SS2. SSBA Benchmarks

irf@kuling.docs.uu.se (Bo Thide') (03/26/91)

The French version of the SSBA benchmark comparison between the new
HP9000/720 (Cobra) and the Sun SparcStation 2 (Calvin) was recently posted
in comp.sys.hp.  The posting aroused a certain interest so I thought an
English translation and a cross-posting would be appropriate.

First some excerpts from SSBA documents:

Copyright 1988, 1989 Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d'Unix (A.F.U.U.)

The SSBA is the result of the studies of the AFUU (French Association of
Unix Users) Benchmark Working Group. This group, consisting of some 30
active members of varied origins (universities, public and private
research, manufacturers, end users), has assigned itself the goal of
thinking on the problem of assessing the performance of data  processing
systems, collecting a maximum number of tests available throughout  the
world, dissecting the codes and results, discussing the utility, fixing
versions and supplying  them in the form of a magnetic tape with various
comments and procedures.


The 1.21E release SSBA characterizes in a machine under UNIX or its

*	CPU power, the processing rate, the computation capabilities;
*	the implementation of the Unix system in general, the file system;
*	the C and Fortran compilers, the optimization capabilities;
*	the access to and the management of the memory, the performance of the
	cache memories;
*	the disk input/output, the performance of the controller;
*	the multi-user performance versus significant tasks;
*	a set of parameters latent in the system.


The SSBA consists of 12 benchmarks selected as  stated above. These 12
bench- marks originate, totally or partially, from the following
benchmarks : mips/Joy, Dhrystone, Whetstone,  Linpack, Doduc, Byte, Saxer,
Utah, Mips, Test C, Bsd  and Musbus.


   The functional profile of the different programs is as follows:


dhrystone    tools	  doduc		seq	   disktime	multi.sh
mips	     forkes	  whetstone	ran	   saxer	work
bct.sh	     execs	  linpack	gau	   iofile
testc	     contswit	  float		iocall
	     signocsw	  fibo24	bytesort

And now the tests:

HP9000/720 (Cobra):
Identification : HP9000/720 HP-PA 89 HP-UX 8.01 50 MHz 64 MB 2*200 MB
SSBA 1.21F (27/02/89) run No. 4 :   BEGIN at Fri Feb 22 14:44:45 WET 1991
Command C : cc -D_XPG2 -Wl,-a,archive +O3  I Command Fortran : f77 -Wl,-a,archive -O 
unix=hp-ux SVR3 
define=-DTERMIO -DSysV 
Number of Processes running on the system when the SSBA starts = 22 
machine = HP-UX cobra1 A.08.01J A 9000/720 15904141 (uname)
whoami = root       pty/ttyp2    Feb 22 14:36
value of HZ = 100      /* ticks = 100 (times method) */ (calculation)
Number of processes available for the user= 254
Memory available = 62302 Kbytes
mips: 21.3793 Mips/Joy
dhrynr(without reg,without optimization,500000 iter):   58823 Dhrystones/sec
dhryr(with reg,without optimization,500000 iter): 	74738 Dhrystones/sec
dhrynro(without reg,with optimization,500000 iter):  	100401 Dhrystones/sec
dhryro(with reg,with optimization,500000 iter):   	100000 Dhrystones/sec
whets(single precision,with optimization,50M inst):     38462 KWhetstones/sec
whetd(double precision,with optimization,50M inst):     33557 KWhetstones/sec
linpackrs(single precision,with optimization,rolled):8803 Kflops
linpackus(single precision,with optimization,unroll):13733 Kflops
linpackrd(double precision,with optimization,rolled):8803 Kflops
linpackud(double precision,with optimization,unroll):13733 Kflops
total time for utah in seconds :   real: 6   user: 3.2   syst: 0.7
total time for outils in seconds :   real: 20   user: 11.38   syst: 5.62
total time for byte in seconds :   real: 28   user: 2.05   syst: 8.75
disk: 10.000 Mb (512 bytes io) throughput  1492.37 Kbytes/sec   6.7 seconds
make testc.o -f testc.mk :         17.00           11.52            1.33
doducd : precision=50.00009721 itera=5495 (correct) time=   40.69 R=1193
total time for memory in seconds :   real: 42   user: 39.85   syst: 1.13
total time for calls in seconds :   real: 6   user: 0.88   syst: 2.8
total time for pipes in seconds :   real: 16   user: 1.81   syst: 7.89
total time for fork/exec in seconds :   real: 117   user: 3.94   syst: 110.89
Filesystem Throughput Test :
File Size: 62 blocks
Write: 5166.7 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 1789.8 Kb)
Read:  0.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Copy:  3100.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
File Size: 125 blocks
Write: 835.8 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 55.8 Kb)
Read:  12500.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Copy:  835.8 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 55.8 Kb)
File Size: 250 blocks
Write: 1706.4 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 68.7 Kb)
Read:  12500.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Copy:  1219.4 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 612.8 Kb)
File Size: 500 blocks
Write: 2464.5 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 144.7 Kb)
Read:  10000.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Copy:  2083.3 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
File Size: 1000 blocks
Write: 2969.8 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 731.5 Kb)
Read:  9090.9 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Copy:  2075.6 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 791.2 Kb)
SIGALRM check:  12 x 5 sec delays takes 60.00 wallclock secs (error 0.00%)
Simulated Multi-user Workload Test :
8 Concurrent Users, each with Input Keyboard Rate of 2 chars/sec
Elapsed Time: 396.33 seconds (standard deviation 5.686 sec)
CPU Time: 155.23 seconds [ 72.73u + 82.51s ] (standard deviation 0.316 sec)
executable average size : 61389.8 bytes
SSBA 1.21F (27/02/89) run No. 4 :   END at Fri Feb 22 15:30:27 WET 1991
total time for the SSBA complete run : 2742 seconds
number of loops done during the run of the SSBA = 46
average number of logged users on the system = 4
average number of processes created by the SSBA = 20

Sun SparcStation2 (Calvin):
Identification : SPARCstation 2 (4/75) SPARC Cypress SunOS 4.1.1, Fortran 1.4, C 1.1 40 Mhz 16 Mo 669 Mo SCSI
SSBA 1.21F (27/02/89) run No. 1 :	BEGIN at Thu Nov 29 10:14:26 WET 1990
Command C : cc -O4  I Command Fortran : f77 -fast -O4 
unix=BSD4.2 SVR3 
define=-DVMUNIX -DBSD4v2 
Number of Processes running on the system when the SSBA starts = 12 
machine = SunOS taurus 4.1.1 1 sun4c (uname)
whoami = root     tty??   Nov 29 10:14
value of HZ = 60	/* ticks = 18000 (methode setrlimit) */ (calculation)
Number of processes available for the user= 127
Memory available = 29884 Kbytes
mips: 13.1915 Mips/Joy
dhrynr(without reg,without optimization,500000 iter):	22727 Dhrystones/sec
dhryr(with reg,without optimization,500000 iter): 	26666 Dhrystones/sec
dhrynro(without reg,with optimization,500000 iter):	43988 Dhrystones/sec
dhryro(with reg,with optimization,500000 iter):		43795 Dhrystones/sec
whets(single precision,with optimization,50M inst):	31579 KWhetstones/sec
whetd(double precision,with optimization,50M inst):	25424 KWhetstones/sec
linpackrs(single precision,with optimization,rolled):6242 Kflops
linpackus(single precision,with optimization,unroll):5351 Kflops
linpackrd(double precision,with optimization,rolled):3712 Kflops
linpackud(double precision,with optimization,unroll):3433 Kflops
total time for utah in seconds :   real: 7   user: 5.08   syst: 0.99
total time for outils in seconds :   real: 32   user: 21.24   syst: 6.82
total time for byte in seconds :   real: 28   user: 2.76   syst: 14.06
disk: 10.000 Mb (512 bytes io) throughput  714.26 Kbytes/sec  14.0 seconds
make testc.o -f testc.mk : 	   49.00	   44.53	    1.40
doducd : precision=50.00072527 itera=5492 (correct) time=  102.73 R=472
total time for memory in seconds :   real: 20   user: 18.35   syst: 1.6
total time for calls in seconds :   real: 11   user: 1.38   syst: 6.04
total time for pipes in seconds :   real: 22   user: 0.69   syst: 11.95
total time for fork/exec in seconds :   real: 593   user: 94.94   syst: 481.37
Filesystem Throughput Test :
File Size: 62 blocks
Write: 1390.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 63.5 Kb)
Read:  6429.6 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 397.7 Kb)
Copy:  1120.6 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 11.6 Kb)
File Size: 125 blocks
Write: 407.0 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 13.1 Kb)
Read:  6469.3 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 189.9 Kb)
Copy:  442.9 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 21.7 Kb)
File Size: 250 blocks
Write: 310.9 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Read:  6466.5 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 97.4 Kb)
Copy:  332.7 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 2.1 Kb)
File Size: 500 blocks
Write: 294.6 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Read:  6383.9 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 94.9 Kb)
Copy:  303.3 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 11.0 Kb)
File Size: 1000 blocks
Write: 284.9 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.0 Kb)
Read:  6369.9 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 70.7 Kb)
Copy:  289.4 Kbytes per seconde   (standard deviation 0.5 Kb)
SIGALRM check:  12 x 5 sec delays takes 60.11 wallclock secs (error -0.19%)
Simulated Multi-user Workload Test :
8 Concurrent Users, each with Input Keyboard Rate of 2 chars/sec
Elapsed Time: 425.33 seconds (standard deviation 11.676 sec)
CPU Time: 247.92 seconds [ 95.71u + 152.21s ] (standard deviation 2.261 sec)
executable average size : 58159.5 bytes
SSBA 1.21F (27/02/89) run No. 1 :	END at Thu Nov 29 11:19:42 WET 1990
total time for the SSBA complete run : 3916 seconds
number of loops done during the run of the SSBA = 63
average number of logged users on the system = 3
average number of processes created by the SSBA = 23

   ^   Bo Thide'--------------------------------------------------------------
  |I|        Swedish Institute of Space Physics, S-755 91 Uppsala, Sweden
  |R|  Phone: (+46) 18-303671.  Telex: 76036 (IRFUPP S).  Fax: (+46) 18-403100 
 /|F|\          INTERNET: bt@irfu.se      UUCP: ...!mcvax!sunic!irfu!bt  
 ~~U~~ -----------------------------------------------------------------sm5dfw