(Glenn Pitcher) (04/02/91)
This morning I came in to find my Sun half dead. Apparently, the system rebooted at 0641 yesterday morning and things for some reason didn't come back like they should have. The following are the symptoms I encountered... 1) The screen, instead of displaying the logintool screen, simply had a black square in the middle. The cursor was being displayed but was very slow to update. 2) The heartbeat lights on the back of the system was still cycling through but each light would be on for a full second before it went to the next. Usually these lights are sequencing so fast, they almost seem to be on all at once. I still have to examime the /usr/adm/acct file to see if there was some kind of runaway program but as far as the /usr/adm/messages file is concerned, there was no problem, except for the reboot. Does anyone have any idea as to what may have been happening? Thanks, Glenn Pitcher UUCP: {crash,ucsd}!edpmgt!gpitcher Programmer/Analyst & hp-sdd!teamnet!gpitcher Unix Guru in training INTERNET: EDP Management, Inc. * Proud member of Team.Net *