(phil sutherland) (04/17/91)
Gentle folk, For my sins :-), I'm the proud owner of a ComputerVision CV 3000 workstation, which as far as I'm able to ascertain is a badge-engineered Sun 2/120. My questions are as follows:- 1. Is the video board with the machine a Sun standard one, or is it a Computervision 'special'. 1152x900 color graphics on 2 VME boards, + huge 19" monitor. 2. Either way, where if anywhere, could I track down some hardware information on the video board. It appears that it's no longer working, and using an ASCII terminal takes all the fun out of the pseudo-Sun... :-( Please reply by eMail - theres less likelihood a few busy days will make me miss a response. Thanks in Advance -- +--- phil sutherland -------------< >--+ | Grand Panjandrum and Keeper of the Technological Mysteries | | Open Access Pty Ltd, Perth, Western Australia. | +------------------------------------------------------------+