[comp.sys.sun] HELP! Errors installing under SunOS 4.1.1

gt1111a@prism.gatech.edu (Vincent Fox) (04/18/91)

I have had some trouble getting the core to install on our Sparc I's.  It
compiles with no errors, but during the install complains about various
frame buffer devices that don't seem to be found. First if was cg6reg.h,
but I found a copy of that on one of our old machines that still have
4.0.3 on it. Now it's cg12_var.h it complains about during install.

I literally installed everthing but the kitchen sink off the Sun tapes, so
I am wondering what is wrong here. Were my SunOS tapes factory seconds
that were missing files? Is it X's fault for going to look for these

A listing of the tail of my install session follows if that's any help:

[stuff deleted]
making .././extensions/server
making .././fonts/mkfontdir
making dix
making ddx/snf
making ddx/mi
making ddx/mfb
making ddx/cfb
making ddx/sun
rm -f sunInit.o
cc -c -O   -I../../../. -I. -I../mfb -I../mi -I../../include -I../../.././X11  -DXDMCP -DSUN_WINDOWS -DSHAPE -DMITSHM -DMULTIBUFFER -DMITMISC -DINCLUDE_ALLOCA_H    sunInit.c
"/usr/include/pixrect/cg12_var.h", line 62: undefined structure or union
"/usr/include/pixrect/cg12_var.h", line 64: undefined structure or union
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `sunInit.o'
Current working directory /home/cad1/vincent/X/mit/server/ddx/sun
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `ddx/sun'
Current working directory /home/cad1/vincent/X/mit/server
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `install'
cadsun7# ^D
script done on Wed Apr 17 03:05:38 1991

Vincent Fox (That's Mr. Bucko to you)|"The bear and Carl lived together in the
Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA             |cave for several years until, one day, the
SR-71: gt1111a@prism.gatech.edu      |true savagery of Nature being unleashed,
Pony Express:...!gatech!prism!gt1111a|Carl killed and ate him."    -Gary Larson