[comp.sys.sun] Diagnosing IEEE exceptions in f77 programs

QQ68@liverpool.ac.uk (QQ68) (04/18/91)

Can anyone point me in the direction of information or example code for an
IEEE floating-point exception handler for a FORTRAN program ? The SUN f77
manual gives only a very simple example of an exception handler routine --
it just calls 'abort()' to produce a core dump. I know I can use
dbx/dbxtool to examine the core afterwards, but I'd prefer that the
exception handler should print out the source-file line number at which
the exception occurred, and perhaps (if it's not a fatal problem) continue
running the program.

I need to know the specifications of the arguments passed to the exception
handler function (I can guess the first two, it's the third argument, a
five-element integer array, which puzzles me) and also how to extract
information about source file line numbers and the locations/types/sizes
of my program's variables from the symbolic information included in the
executable binary as a result of compiling my code with the -g option.  Is
this information published anywhere, or are mere mortals only supposed to
use a debugger to do this kind of thing :-)

Any advice or example programs would be gratefully received ! Thanks in
advance. Please could you email your replies to me at the address below --
I can only read Usenet on rare occasions.

-- David Harper (someone who likes cats) --