karln@uunet.uu.net (04/29/91)
I Have a SunSparcStation 2: I recently tried to send mail to a uucp system. Unfortunatly I am not entirely sure what I did, but my problem is that I keep getting messages twice a day that says LOGIN FAILED. After four days now I am getting a bit frustrated. I cannot find the message, I cannot see it in the uucp queue from uustat. I cannot see the modem trying to dail. I think that our YellowPages server has got it and since is also the uucp package it is trying to dail to a modem it does not have. If it is trying the serial port it is trying to uucp login to the printer :-/! Does anybody have ANY ideas. I suppose that i will have to remove the system name from the Systems file and maybe then the message will be returned as undeliverable. I cannot even reboot the system to cure this. P.S. I have uucp software on my system mounted from the yp server, so the yp server could very well think it is capable of running uucp. However my system is flaged as the mailhost. I just don't know. Frustrated ... Karl Nicholas | Karl Nicholas | A recent Gallop Poll showed that 1 in 6 | | karln%karln@uunet.uu.net | Americans have spoken to a dead person. |