ABYKAT%UTCVM.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Dr. A.Bykat) (04/18/91)
The following is a brief desription followed by the software which should be helpful in managing class grades records: GradeTool is a test/assignment grading tool. It is a window based, mouse sensitive, package which allows you to keep track of student grades. Per your request, it will print out a class list (for taking attendance), test results (annotated with student names, or their coded student ids), individual questions and totals, question averages, display individual students grades, and allows modification of the grades. The package runs under Sun OS 4.1.1, on 4/60 with Sunview. [[Ed's Note: Placed in titan archives. -bdg]] FTP Hostname : titan.rice.edu ( Directory: sun-source Filename : grade.shar Filesize : 85384 bytes Archive Server Address: archive-server@rice.edu Archive Server Command: send sun-source grade.shar
ABYKAT%UTCVM.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Dr. A.Bykat) (05/01/91)
Few weeks ago I posted GradeTool files: >The following is a brief desription followed by the software which >should be helpful in managing class grades records: There seems to be a problem with our mailer software which damages the libgrade.a file. Briefly, my Bitnet connection is via an IBM4381. This means that I have to move first the files to the IBM disk, and then use the IBM4381 mailer to send files through the networks. This mailer seems to have some problem (probably ASCII to EBCDIC tarnslation) with uuencoded file. I have tried to encode the file with btoa (PD) and send it through the mailer. It seems to work. Nonetheless, since I have been requested to supply the source of functions in libgrade.a I shall resubmit GradeTool in source version only (soon). AB