[comp.sys.sun] Automount problem

rrb@relay.eu.net (R.R.Buonanno) (10/11/89)

I am trying to sort out this brain damage called automount. I've RTFM,
leafed through pounds of STBs and the CDB, and tried, and scratched my
head and tried some more. I'm still mystified. Automount seems to insist
on mounting things where they just ain't supposed to be! For example:

	automount -m /usr auto.usr

where auto.usr is a map that says something like:

	bin/X11		ursa:/usr/bin:X11
	lib/X11		ursa:/usr/lib:X11
	include/X11	ursa:/usr/include:X11

has disastrous consequences, i.e. /usr becomes invisible. Please note that
this fails just as miserably when the colons in the map file are replaced
with slashes.

Somewhere in the dim and dusty tape archives of my brain I recall a
discussion on this topic in this group, so I apologize for rehashing this.
Can someone re-enlighten me on this subject or point me at an archive.

Thanks in advance. I'm glad the net's always there when you need it, it's
the next best thing to being there.

Richard R. Buonanno, 85D2	|...!cernvax!hslrswi!rrb
Hasler AG			| rrb@hslrswi.uucp
Belpstrasse 23			| 

mferrare@adelphi.physics.adelaide.edu.au (Mark Ferraretto) (06/05/91)

        Sun 4/280 automounting files from Sun 3/60s all running 4.0.3

        Some users' home directories are automounted.  They can't access ..
in their home directory but if they work their way down the path they have no
protection problem.  It seems to be the .. inode that gives problems.  If the
directories are NFS mounted normally they don't have any problems.

Automount setup:
#Mount point            Map name                Mount options
/remote                 /etc/auto.remote        -rw

#mount point            mount           map name
#                       options
home.mferraretto        -rw             flare:/home/mferraretto
home.dlesicar           -rw             photon:/home/dlesicar
home.dbird              -rw             corona:/home/dbird
home.bvandepeer         -rw             strato:/home/bvandepeer
home.dlow               -rw             meso:/home/dlow

ls -l /home:
total 11
   1 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root     daemon         23 May 14 10:57 bvandepeer ->
   1 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root     wheel          18 Apr 19 12:41 dbird ->
   1 lrwxrwxrwx  1 root     wheel          24 Apr 19 12:37 mferraretto ->

All relevant directories (/remote, tmp_mnt/* etc) have global read and execute
permissions set.  There are no setuid or setgid bits set in these directories
and /usr/etc/automount has mode 755 set (again no setuid or gid).

For a period these users could get around this problem if they were in the
daemon group but this bombed out today as well.

Coincedentally or otherwise I also got this message today.
A serious error has occurred that prevents further messages being routed,
please "tail /usr/spool/MHSnet/_route/log"
and fix the problem as soon as possible.

Mail generated by network program "router" [6968]
This is what the tail /usr... produced

stderr << EOF
91/05/16 10:34:43 badhandler: error -- Network group id "daemon" does not exist!
EOF >> stderr
        15 messages in
         7 messages out
Usages:    user + sys = tot  io(i+o)   pf(min+maj)  nswp   sigs cs(iv+v)
Daemon:      30    41    71    43+217   12926+44       0  12319  7160+12638
Children:     4     3     7   101+439    1255+173      0      0     0+661
Totals:      34    44    79   144+656   14181+217      0  12319  7160+13299
91/05/16 10:34:43 router: report -- Vn="1.1 #105 90/10/19 Sun3/4.0.3/static {700000}" [6968] ERROR

So for some reason daemon doesn't exist.
But it is in the /etc/group file.
And in the yp maps.
And it has these users in it.

Also does automount do anything to /etc/mtab.  Lately its protection is
continually being changed from 644 660.  Root owns it and it is in the wheel

Thanks in anticipation
       _             Name  : Mark Ferraretto	   Title: Computing Officer
      \  \           Place : Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics
 ||     \  \                 University of Adelaide
==========>==>==--   Aarnet: mferrare@physics.adelaide.edu.au