bugs@cs.psu.edu (06/05/91)
Serial Number: 018E0352 Machine Type: Sun 4/490 O/S Version: SunOS 4.1.1 Organization: Computer Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University 333 Whitmore Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802 Phone Number: +1 814 865 9505 Description: The constants A_TSIZE, A_SSIZE, A_USIZE are too small for modern system. Thus the accounting software will abort whne these limits are exceeded. Repeat-By: Run accounting on a system with more than 128 tty/pty lines. Fix: Apply the foloowing patch to usr/lib/acctdef.h and recompile the accounting software. These really should be dynamically allocated. SCCS/s.acctdef.h: 1.1 vs. 1.2 *** /tmp/geta15140 Fri May 10 14:59:34 1991 --- /tmp/getb15140 Fri May 10 14:59:35 1991 *************** *** 32,40 **** /* * limits which may have to be increased if systems get larger */ ! #define A_SSIZE 1000 /* max number of sessions in 1 acct run */ ! #define A_TSIZE 128 /* max number of line names in 1 acct run */ ! #define A_USIZE 500 /* max number of distinct login names in 1 acct run */ #define EQN(s1, s2) (strncmp(s1, s2, sizeof(s1)) == 0) #define CPYN(s1, s2) strncpy(s1, s2, sizeof(s1)) --- 32,40 ---- /* * limits which may have to be increased if systems get larger */ ! #define A_SSIZE 4096 /* max number of sessions in 1 acct run */ ! #define A_TSIZE 1024 /* max number of line names in 1 acct run */ ! #define A_USIZE 4096 /* max number of distinct login names in 1 acct run */ #define EQN(s1, s2) (strncmp(s1, s2, sizeof(s1)) == 0) #define CPYN(s1, s2) strncpy(s1, s2, sizeof(s1))