[comp.sys.sun] DNS fix for Sun OS 4.1.1

abennett@athena.mit.edu (Andrew A. Bennett) (06/28/91)

I know there are shared library patches to fix DNS in SunOS 4.0.3, but I
can't find any for 4.1.1

Can anyone send them to me, or tell me where to get them?  We tried the NIS/DNS
trapdoor kluge, and it works, but we'd rather avoid NIS/YP altogether...

Many thanks,


Andrew Bennett             MIT Network Services                abennett@mit.edu
MIT Room E40-371                                  abennett%athena@mitvma.bitnet
77 Massachusetts Ave.                                     Phone: (617) 253-7174
Cambridge, MA  02139                               <Standard disclaimers apply>
"In the Morning, Laughing Happy Fish Heads,
                                        In the Evening, Floating in the Soup!"