[comp.sys.sun] Mail and DNS

frutig@inf.puc-rio.br (marcelo frutig) (06/28/91)


	First of all, sorry for this long message, but...
	I have installed a NIS server and a DNS server in a SS 1+
	running SUN OS 4.1 as described below and got a strange error.
	I can send mail to Internet ,Bitnet, etc from fluminense.inf.puc-rio.br
	but cannot send mail from host vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br. The host
	vialactea is a NIS server for domain .rdc.puc-rio.br, and acts also
	as the DNS primary server for domains puc-rio.br, rdc.puc-rio.br and
	inf.puc-rio.br. The host vialactea is the mail exchanger/mailhost for
	domains puc-rio.br and rdc.puc-rio and the host fluminense (SUNOS 4.0.3)
	is the mail exchanger/mailhost for domain inf.puc-rio.br.
	When I try to send a mail to user@host.domain from vialactea, the mailer
	always get vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br as the mail exchanger.
	When I try to send the send mail from fluminense, everything works fine!
	Here is an example:

vialactea% Mail -v pucrj@fpsp.fapesp.br

Subject: EOT
Null message body; hope that's ok
pucrj@fpsp.fapesp.br... Connecting to fpsp.fapesp.br via Internet...
mail exchanger is vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br
Trying  connected.
220 rdc.puc-rio.br Sendmail 4.1/SMI-4.1 ready at Mon, 17 Jun 91 17:54:50 EST
>>> HELO rdc.puc-rio.br
553 rdc.puc-rio.br host name configuration error
>>> QUIT
221 rdc.puc-rio.br closing connection
pucrj@fpsp.fapesp.br... Service unavailable
Saving message in /home/local/frutig/dead.letter
/home/local/frutig/dead.letter... Sent

	Here is the information returned from nslookup :

vialactea% nslookup
Default Server:  vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br

> set type=mx
> fpsp.fapesp.br.
Server:  vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br

Non-authoritative answer:
fpsp.fapesp.br	preference = 0, mail exchanger = fpsp.fapesp.br
fpsp.fapesp.br	preference = 10, mail exchanger = fapq.fapesp.br
Authoritative answers can be found from:
fpsp.fapesp.br	inet address =
fpsp.fapesp.br	inet address =
fapq.fapesp.br	inet address =
> exit

	This is a resume of the relevant files at host vialactea :

; boot file for primary name server vialactea
; zones :
;	puc-rio.br
;	rdc.puc-rio.br
;	inf.puc-rio.br
directory			/var/named
cache	.			root.servers
primary puc-rio.br		hosts.puc-rio
primary rdc.puc-rio.br		hosts.rdc.puc-rio
primary inf.puc-rio.br		hosts.inf.puc-rio
primary	82.139.IN-ADDR.ARPA	hosts.puc-rio.rev
primary 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA	hosts.local

; zone puc-rio.br
@	IN	SOA	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.	frutig.rdc.puc-rio.br. (
		0591.2200	; serial
		3600		; refresh (1 hour)
		1800		; retry after failure in refresh (1/2 hour)
		604800		; expire because no refresh (1 week)
		86400)		; minimum default TTL (1 day)
		IN	NS	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.
puc-rio.br.	IN	MX 0	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.

; zone rdc.puc-rio.br
@	IN	SOA	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.	frutig.rdc.puc-rio.br. (
		0591.2200	; serial
		3600		; refresh (1 hour)
		1800		; retry after failure in refresh (1/2 hour)
		604800		; expire because no refresh (1 week)
		86400)		; minimum default TTL (1 day)
			IN	NS	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.
rdc.puc-rio.br.		IN	MX 0	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.
*.rdc.puc-rio.br.	IN	MX 0	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.
; rdc.puc-rio.br hosts
vialactea	IN	A
		IN	A
		IN	HINFO	SUN-4/65	"SUN OS 4.1"
		IN	WKS	UDP ( echo discard daytime 
				     		     chargen time name
						     domain sunrpc tftp )
		IN	WKS	TCP ( tcpmux echo discard
						      systat daytime netstat 
						      chargen ftp-data ftp
						      telnet smtp time
						      whois domain hostnames
						      sunrpc rje finger link
						      supdup iso-tsap x400
						      x400-snd csnet-ns pop-2
						      uucp-path nntp ntp
						      NeWS )
via		IN	CNAME	vialactea

; zone inf.puc-rio.br
@	IN	SOA	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.	frutig.rdc.puc-rio.br. (
		0591.2200	; serial
		3600		; refresh (1 hour)
		1800		; retry after failure in refresh (1/2 hour)
		604800		; expire because no refresh (1 week)
		86400)		; minimum default TTL (1 day)
			IN	NS	vialactea.rdc.puc-rio.br.
inf.puc-rio.br.		IN	MX 0	fluminense.inf.puc-rio.br.
*.inf.puc-rio.br.	IN	MX 0	fluminense.inf.puc-rio.br.
; inf.puc-rio.br hosts
fluminense	IN	A
		IN	HINFO	SUN-3/60	"SUN OS 4.0.3"
		IN	WKS	UDP ( echo discard daytime 
				     		     chargen time name
						     domain sunrpc tftp )
		IN	WKS	TCP ( tcpmux echo discard
						      systat daytime netstat 
						      chargen ftp-data ftp
						      telnet smtp time
						      whois domain hostnames
						      sunrpc rje finger link
						      supdup iso-tsap x400
						      x400-snd csnet-ns pop-2
						      uucp-path nntp ntp
						      NeWS )
flu		IN	CNAME	fluminense

PS. : There is no difference between the sendmail.cf file of host
      vialactea and the sendmail.cf file of host fluminense.

	It's like something is wrong with SUN OS 4.1 and DNS...
	Any kind of help/hint/etc would be GREAT ! Thanks in advance.

	Please, e-mail me because I'm not subscribed to sun-spots yet.
	(yes, I can receive mail at frutig@rdc.puc-rio.br !)

Marcello Frutig					E-Mail: frutig@rdc.puc-rio.br
Network Manager at
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL