[comp.sys.sun] Advice sought.

kroger@cognet.ucla.edu (James Kroger) (06/28/91)

Hi...this is a bit of a novice question, but thanks if you can help.
We're thinking about getting some workstations, and have narrowed it down to 
Sun or Next. We're new to UNIX, but hope to eventually build a network.
What we are wondering is: 

Will both Sun and Next machines allow one to operate in an 
Xwindows environment? The only ting I;ve heard is that X on the Suns is
slow, but that's from someone who used it 3 years ago. As far as the 
Next, will it run Xwindows at all? Can one open windows on the Next 
under ANY environment such that one gets a unix prompt, and can run emacs,
TeX, and all the usual UNIX utilities?

Basically we don't want to be stuck with SunView (or whatever
it's called now) or NextStep.

Without starting any arguments, does anyone have any suggestions as to
why one would want to buy one computer over the other?

Thanks very much...
