[comp.sys.sun] Problem with character echoing when using modem

jfw@neuro.duke.edu (John F. Whitehead) (06/28/91)

I'm having problems using the "tip" modem program with an Everex
EMAC-MD2400 modem under SunOS 4.1.

Using the defaults I have set up for /etc/remote works for most
things I connect to.  When I try to call the library it
don't work, however, so I have altered the defaults for that

The problem now is that characters I type appear as accented
characters.  Characters that my destination host types appear
correctly.  Characters that I type are interpreted by the host
correctly.  It's just that the characters I type do not appear
on my screen properly.  So I type "help", and it appears to me
to read "(e-accent-grave)-e-l-(funny-character)", but the host
correctly puts me into the help program.

Can anyone suggest what I need to do to correct this?  Changing
the parity (the pa variable in /etc/remote) makes it so it 
either doesn't work at all, or once I'm logged into the 
library it apparently puts a linefeed after each character
I enter so I can't type any commands.  The relevant portion of
/etc/remote reads:

equinox|Equinox Data Switch:\

I invoke the program with "tip library".  That connects me to the 
Equinox data switcher, where I type "library" to connect to the 
library.  The characters appear as combinations of characters as
shown here (characters that appear normal I have left blank):

	Upper	Prints		Lower	Prints
	case:	as:		case:	as:

	A			a	a'
	B			b	a^
	C	A~		c	
	D			d	a"
	E	Ao		e	
	F	AE		f
	G			g	c,
	H			h	e`
	I	E'		i
	J	E^		j
	K			k	e"
	L	I`		l
	M			m	i'
	N			n	i^
	O	I"		o
	P			p	(something really funny-looking)
	Q	N~		q
	R	O`		r
	S			s	o'
	T	O^		t
	U			u	o~
	V			v	o"
	W	x		w
	X	O/		x
	Y			y	u`
	Z			z	u'

Thanks for anything you can do to help make this work!

|   John      jfw@neuro.duke.edu          Duke University Medical Center |
| Whitehead   jfw@well.sf.ca.us           Department of Neurobiology     |
|____________ white002@dukemc (bitnet) __ Durham, North Carolina ________|