[comp.dcom.telecom] Further Horrors



>>  This is the same "the world owes me a living"
>>  mentality that demands the highest of quality from a faceless "Ma
>>  Bell" while resisting any increases in cost.  It is best exemplified
>>  by the socialist fools at Consumer Reports.

>just to let you know that this "fool" thinks that you are all wet ...
>if society allows monopolies, we have a right to demand that prices go
>down and quality goes up when technology improves ... of course, your
>disregard for the value of the work (and the need for it) of Consumers
>Report make me expect that I am talking to deaf ears ...to bad.
>not that I think that CR is infallible ...far from it!

You missed  both points.   Society did  NOT "allow  monopolies"  society
BROKE UP the  monopoly allowing the  user (in this  case the hotels)  to
choose which  Long Distance  carrier  to use.   The original  poster  was
complaining about the Hotel blocking access to OTHER carriers.  We can't
have our cake (by breaking  up the Bell System)  and eat it too  (demand
that hotels  provide some  sort of  equal  access to  one and  all). 

  A discussion of CR probably belongs in Net.fussbudget.  But, since you
ask, here is my rationale.  CR is  OK for testing toasters and the  like
although   they   over-emphasize   the   manufacturer   and   government
responsibilities for user stupidity ("Unsafe  if turned on while in  the
bathtub").  They have recently chosen to expand into social  engineering
and liberal politics.  Their views on such things as  Telecommunications
policy have no more validity than  that of any other left-wing  journal.
Besides, they insist in numbering their pages in mid-19th century style.

I am replying here as ARPANET does not recognize your address.

roger@celtics.UUCP (06/24/87)

In article <12311528645.16.MYERSTON@KL.SRI.Com> MYERSTON@KL.SRI.COM (HECTOR MYERSTON) writes:
>We can't have our cake (by breaking  up the Bell System)  and eat it too  
>(demand that hotels  provide some  sort of  equal  access to  one and  all). 

But that's exactly what the Equal Access order DID require for direct
residential and business access...!

 ///==\\   (No disclaimer - nobody's listening anyway.)
///        Roger B.A. Klorese, CELERITY (Northeast Area)
\\\        40 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701  +1 617 872-1552
 \\\==//   celtics!roger@seismo.CSS.GOV - seismo!celtics!roger