[comp.dcom.telecom] CSCNET

johnso%tp5@RAND-UNIX.ARPA (A. Ross Johnson) (06/25/87)

I have just noticed that CompuServe now offers foreign access via
CSCNET.  The nodes are limited in number, but this does provide
the short-term traveler with access to U.S. networks without
a local foreign data network account.

Have subscribers to this list utilized CSCNet for foreign access
to U.S. networks?  What is the experience.  The surcharge on
CompuServe is evidently $20/hour, which is generally less than
what one would pay to local networks in Germany and Britain (and probably
elsewhere) for the same service.  There will be local ld charges, e.g. so
far the only node in Germany is evidently in Frankfurt, that will
offset the savings.

Ross Johnson

If I receive many replies, I will summarize to this group.