rconn%brl@sri-unix.UUCP (09/14/83)
From: Rick Conn <rconn@brl> I have completed MENU.C and MCHECK.C for UNIX SYSTEM III. These are basically identical to MENU and MCHECK under ZCPR2, with the difference that they run under UNIX as well. They have been tested under UNIX SYSTEM III and BRL, and they are compiled with the -3 option on the compiler. They are available (with a man entry) as /d/rconn/.src/menu.c and /d/rconn/.src/mcheck.c and /d/rconn/.man/menu.1 on BRL, and they will be available from SIMTEL20 in a day or two. A partial man entry follows: MMMMEEEENNNNUUUU((((1111)))) BBBBRRRRLLLL UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX MMMMEEEENNNNUUUU((((1111)))) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE MENU -- A Menu Preprocessor for UNIX MENU Version 2.0 by Richard Conn SSSSYYYYNNNNOOOOPPPPSSSSIIIISSSS MENU is invoked by a command line of the following form: menu [-n] menufile where the "-n" is optional and is the number of a menu to be invoked in a menu file which contains more than one menu. Hence, MENU command lines may take the following forms: menu mymenu <-- invoke on file 'mymenu' menu -2 mymenu <-- invoke menu 2 of file 'mymenu' DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN MENU (written in C) is a very simple menu preprocessor for use under the UNIX operating system. A user can compose files containing screen displays and command lines which are invoked in response to single-character commands, and MENU will present those screen displays to the user and accept both single-character and text string (terminated by a RETURN) input from the user. WWWWRRRRIIIITTTTIIIINNNNGGGG MMMMEEEENNNNUUUU FFFFIIIILLLLEEEESSSS A file which can be processed by MENU can take on the following general format: -o <-- set global options (optional line) #o <-- define screen display and set local options <text> <-- text of screen display # <-- end of screen display <c><text> <-- command letter followed by text of command line ... <-- additional menus, all of the format #o <text> # <c><text> #o <-- define screen display and set local options for next menu <text> # <c><text> <-- command letter followed by text of command line # <-- marks end of last menu