[comp.dcom.telecom] Integrated Network Management Call

leff%smu@sundc.UUCP (04/01/88)



                  BOSTON, May 14-17, 1989

The First  International  Symposium  on  Integrated  Network
Management  sponsored  by  IFIP WG 6.6 and hosted jointly by
the National Bureau of Standards and MITRE corporation  will
be  held  in  Boston.  The  objective of the symposium is to
create an international forum for information  exchange  and
cooperation  between  vendors,  system  integrators,  users,
researchers, and standardization  bodies.  Presentations  on
management  policy,  administration,  and operation of local
and wide area communication networks, including data, voice,
and integrated communications are solicited.  In particular,
the program of the symposium will concentrate on the follow-
ing  subjects, emphasizing the integration of different sys-

    o management requirements and standardization issues

    o models/architectures/algorithms

    o fault, configuration and name, accounting,
      performance, and security management

    o heterogeneous networks

    o protocols

    o quality of service

    o management data bases

    o knowledge based systems

    o planning systems

    o user interfaces and management languages

    o implementations and case studies

    o and other related topics

The Proceedings of the symposium  will  be  published  as  a
hardbound  volume  by  the North-Holland publishing company.
Authors are invited to submit unpublished papers on the top-
ical areas indicated. Contributions of a more general nature
(tutorial) are also welcome. Please submit five  copies  (in
English,  restricted to 12 single spaced pages) to either of
the two addresses by September 1, 1988. The cover page  must
contain:  the  paper title, full name, affiliation, complete
address and phone number of each author. All papers will  be
refereed.    Acceptance  notifications  will  be  mailed  by
December 1, 1988. Final camera  ready  papers  will  be  due
January 10, 1989.

General Chair:                   Program Committee:
Paul Brusil, MITRE, USA          Sudhir  Aggrawal,  Bell   Com.
                                 Res., USA

General Vice-Chair               Eric Aupperle, U. of Michigan,
Dan Stokesberry, NBS, USA        USA

                                 Dave Clark, MIT, USA

                                 Andre Danthine, University  de
                                 Liege, Belgium

                                 Deborah Estrin, U.  of  South.
                                 California, USA

Program Co-Chair                 Guy  Juanole,  LAAS  du  CNRS,
Branislav Meandzija, SMU, USA    France

                                 Kim   Kappel,   Digital   Com.
                                 Assoc., USA

                                 Dipak  Khakhar,  Lund  Univer-
                                 sity, Sweden

Program Co-Chair                 Gautam Kar, IBM Research, USA
Jil Westcott, BBN Labs., USA
                                 Yoshikazu   Kobayashi,    IBM,

                                 Koos Koen, Informatica, ZA

Submit papers to either          Gerard Le Lann, INRIA, France
Branislav Meandzija (Americas,
Australia)                       Gesualdo   LeMoli,   Pol.   di
SMU, CSE Department, 322 SIC     Milano, Italy
Dallas, TX 75275 - 0122, USA
                                 Louis Pouzin, CNET-PAA, France

Wolfgang    Zimmer    (Europe,   R.   Rathnasabapathy,   North.
Africa, Asia)                    Tele. Inc., USA
GMD-FIRST, Hardenbergplatz 2
D - 1000  Berlin  -  12,  West   Morris Sloman,  Imperial  Col-
Germany                          lege, UK

For further  information  con-   Chris Sluman, CAP  Group  PLC,
tact                             UK
Hershey Young
NBS, B217  TEC,  Gaithersburg,   Brian  Spratt,  University  of
MD 20899                         Kent, UK
(Tel: (301) 975-3600)
                                 Carl Sunshine, UNISYS, USA

                                 Liba Svobodova, IBM  Research,

                                 Liane  Tarouco,  U.  Fed.  Rio
                                 Grande Sul, Brazil

                                 Keith    Travorrow,    British
                                 Telecom, UK

                                 Steve Wilbur, University  Col-
                                 lege London, UK

                                 Wolfgang  Zimmer,   GMD-FIRST,
                                 West Germany