[comp.dcom.telecom] PCPursuit query

finkel@TAURUS.BITNET (04/17/88)

I have a few questions about PCPursuit.

I know that PCPursuit is running on Telenet's packet switching network. I
also know that the local dialouts that telenet uses can be reached via any
other X.25 service, You just have to know the PAD's NUA. I also know that's
it's legal to call the PAD even if you don't have access to PCP. ( X.25 service
costs more than PCP, and Telent gets it's share in the money ).

Since I don't live in the USA, I never used PCP, and I don't know what are
the steps that a PCP user peforms in order to dial the needed phone number.
so my question is: How can I get a list of the accessible dialers of PCP?
Do PCP users have a list of those dialers and they use it directly, or does
the local PCP PAD gets the phone number, and uses an internal NUA list to
get the correct local dialout?

Shortly, how can I get a list of these NUA's?
Also, can someone send me a list of all area codes accessible by PCP?

please respond my by mail since we don't receive this newsgroup here.


Udi Finkelstein       | Bitnet:   finkel@taurus.bitnet or finkel@math.tau.ac.il
Tel Aviv University   | Internet: finkel%taurus.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Israel                | UUCP:     ...!psuvax1!taurus.bitnet!finkel