[comp.dcom.telecom] Panasonic Key Systems


	The following are places that I know sell the KXT-616D/61610 KSU
systems someone asked about:
	Tele-Com Products
	Duarte CA  (800) 423-4840

	Pro Com Supply Corp
	San Diego  (800) 988-4400

	Kansas City/Dallas/L.A>
	           (800) 234-3396

	(All over)
	1.  I have no connection with these other than as a customer.
	2.  The sell to "dealers" although the term is loosely interpreted
	3.  Most offer mininal support/information (in return for low price)
	4.  Panasonic is a rats nest of model numbers, the same instruments
	    seem to have different numbers, prefixes (PA vs VA) etc etc
	5.  Not all KSUs listed as XXYY are fully equipped for XX lines and
            YY extension, many require expansion cards, some special sets
	    (The 616 >is< fully configured and uses plain (2500) sets.
