ptownson@vector.UUCP (11/04/88)
Next Tuesday, many of you will go to the polls in your community to vote for your choice of the presidential candidates. Now it would open a can of worms to get into *that* discussion here, and besides, this is not talk.politics. misc, so no editorial comment from me about the various (de)merits of Mssrs. Bush and Dukakis. What I will suggest, however, is that you take a few minutes over the weekend and review your various local candidates for office and your congessional leaders to detirmine where they stand on issues of importance to the telecom industry. What do they think/know/want to do about matters of concern to BBS sysops, for example. What has been their attitude toward your local telco in the past? Has it been a cozy relationship, or an adversarial one? Would they sponsor or participate in legislation regulating COCOTs and AOS outfits? How do they feel about 'dial-porn' and the various 900 services? Your vote by no means should be based strictly on the above, but when there are two or more equally competent people for the same job, why not select the one who has at least a basic knowledge of this industry and a desire to be fair when establishing regulations and guidelines? And if you registered to vote, please do so. Patrick Townson Moderator, Telecom Digest