ddp+@andrew.cmu.edu (Drew Daniel Perkins) (12/03/88)
I was looking at the CCITT Red Book "Recommendations of the V Series" (Volume VIII - Fascicle VIII.1) today and noticed an interesting protocol "Recommendation V.25 bis, Automatic Calling and/or Answering Equipment on the GSTN Using the 100-Series Interchange Circuits". This recommendation basically specifies an equivalent of the Hayes "AT" command set for modems. The thing I found most interesting was that it specified it for synchronous links (both bit and character oriented) in addition to async links. Does anyone know of anything that supports this protocol? Is there a good reason why it isn't common? I'm thinking that it might be very usefull for dialing sync modems, dialing ISDN Terminal Adaptors, connecting sync port selectors, etc. Please respond directly to me (ddp@andrew.cmu.edu) since I don't normally read the telecom mailing list. Thanks, Drew