(I lost the original message about the person that used his calling card, and when using the pound, got disconnected from his call & was promped to dial another call.) ---------------------- It seems that the calling card switch that the caller was going through did not receive the signal that the call had been answered (answer supervision), and such, the switch rec'd the pound touch- tone, and disco'ed the call. Even though the terminating switch received answer supervision (which is all that matters for the billing computers), apparently the terminating switch did not pass it up the line to the calling card switch, and such the card switch still thought the call had not been answered. With calling card switches, it is critical that answer supervision be monitored closely, or you run into problems like this. (doesn't AT&T have CCS-6???, or are some AT&T switches still using in-band signalling???). We had the same problems when a lot of our calls terminated onto Feature Group-A circuts, where we had to rely on our switch to monitor the call for ringing tones and telco announcements (alert tones, then the call progress announcement), but now that we terminate onto FG-B & FG-D circuts, that problem was history. Try explaining this to an AT&T billing rep when you get your bill. I'm sure they'll take the call off your bill (it will be obvious, X amount of calls were 1 min, and the last was over 1 minute), but it is a hassle that you have to do that in the first place. ________ (Lick and place "The Usual Disclaimers" stamp here ===>|Place | |Stamp | |Here | --------- Robert Gutierrez MCI Telecommuncations Western Region Trouble Management Center Hayward, California. <MCI Mail: 367-9829>