[net.unix-wizards] ACCESS

edwards@uiucuxc.UUCP (09/23/83)

uiucuxc!edwards    Sep  6 22:00:00 1983

	The 4.1bsd manual states that access(2) uses a program's real
  id's to determine access permissions on files/paths, and that this
  is useful to set-UID programs.
	Well, It really depends on what you're checking.  If a set-UID
  program wants to do things to privileged areas, then access(2) is NOT
  useful to those set-UID programs.

  For example:	If your set-UID program wants to see if a directory
		exists in a privileged area "access to a set-UIDed
		program or user only," then you can't use access(2)
		because the real [ug]id of the process wouldn't have
		access anyway (the purpose for making it Set-UID.)

  Suggestion:	eaccess(2) or equivalent to check for effective id's.
		What do you think about it?  Nasty comments >> /dev/null

			Alan Edwards
			University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign

borman@decvax.UUCP (Dave Borman) (09/26/83)

Access(2) and open(2) should give you all you need.  Almost all calls to
access that I have seen are followed by an open.  You check the permission
by ruid with access, and then open the file.  If you want to check permission
via euid, then just open the file!  If you can't access it, the open will
fail.  If you don't want the file open, you can always close it.  If you
want the permission bits, there is always stat(2) which will give you
everything you ever wanted to know about a file.  There is no sense adding
a new syscall eaccess(), but if you really want it the function eaccess
can be written by using open and stat. (Plus it'll be much more portable)

			-Dave Borman,
			decvax!borman (formerly stolaf!borman)