[comp.dcom.telecom] A Comparison of Starlink and PC Pursuit

telecom@bu-cs.bu.edu (01/29/89)

[Moderator's Note: The information which follows, up to the next
note from myself, was provided by Starlink, and Denia Bennett-Howard
(Portal handle: 'pooka'). My thanks for this detailed chart. PT]


The following list compares STARLINK's outdial access points
with those of Telenet.  These are the actual cities you can reach
by accessing your local dial-in node and issuing the outdial
command. As you can see, there are many more STARLINK outdials
than there are Telenet outdials.  In addition, with STARLINK, you
are not restricted to the actual outdial city.  You can precede
the number to be dialed with a "1" and call any BBS in that area
code.  You will be billed for the long distance call from the
outdial port to the host computer at the local phone company's

Outdial Host Numbers Sorted by Time Zone, State,

Eastern Time Zone -----------

State/              Tymnet        Outdial       Telenet Node
   City             Host #        Area Code     Access Point
---------------     ------        ---------     ------------
  Bloomfield        9128          203
  Hartford          9128          203           D/CTHAR/12
  Stamford          9129          203

   Washington       2262          703           D/DCWAS/3/12/24

   Fort Lauderdale  7123          305 m
   Jacksonville     5797          904 m
   Longwood         7096          305 m
   Miami            6582          305           D/FLMIA/3/12/24
   Orlando          7096          305 m
   Tampa            5518          813 m         D/FLTAM/3/12/24

   Atlanta          8795          404           D/GAATL/3/12/24
   Doraville        8795          404
   Marietta         8795          404
   Norcross         8795          404

   Indianapolis     9349          317

   Baltimore        4600          301

   Boston           8796          617           D/MABOS/3/12/24
   Cambridge        8796          617

New Jersey
   Camden           8693          609 m
   Englewood Cliffs 6319          201 m
   Newark           7618          201           D/NJNEW/3/12/24
   Pennsauken       8693          609 m
   Princeton        8920          609
   South Brunswick  8920          609

New York
   Albany           9192          518 m
   Buffalo          9194          716 m
   Melville         8811          516 m
   New York         1059          212           D/NYNYO/3/12/24
                                                 (for 718, must use 1718
                                                  + phone number)
   Pittsford        6019          716
   Rochester        6019          716
   White Plains     8571          914

North Carolina
   Charlotte        6793          704
   Research Triangle Park, NC     919           D/NCRTP/3/12

   Akron            8740          216 m
   Cincinnati       1785          513
   Cleveland        4222          216           D/OHCLE/3/12/24
   Columbus         9347          614
   Dayton           9511          513 m

   Philadelphia     9581          215           D/PAPHI/3/12/24
   Pittsburgh       7408          412

Rhode Island
   Providence       9130          401


   Alexandria       2262          703           D/DCWAS/3/12/24
   Arlington        2262          703           D/DCWAS/3/12/24
   Fairfax          2262          703
   Midlothian       7339          804 m
   Norfolk          6986          804 m
   Portsmouth       6986          804 m

Central Time Zone -----------

   Birmingham       4101          205

   Chicago          8257          312           D/ILCHI/3/12/24
   Glen Ellyn       8944          312 m         (for 815, must use
                                                 1815 + phone number)
   Wichita          8013          316 m

   Detroit          8794          313           D/MIDET/3/12/24

   Minneapolis      3494          612           D/MNMIN/3/12
   St. Paul         3494          612

   Bridgeton        8978          314
   Independence     8615          913
   Kansas City      8615          913           D/MOKCI/3/12/24
   St. Louis        8978          314           D/MOSLO/3
                                                 (for 618, must use
                                                  1618 + phone number)
   Omaha            2521          402 m

   Oklahoma City    9165          405
   Tulsa            6605          918

   Memphis          1551          901 m
   Nashville        9141          615

   Arlington        9337          817
   Dallas           2948          214           D/TXDAL/3/12/24
                                                 (for 817, must use 817
                                                  + phone number)
   Fort Worth       9337          817
   Houston          4562          713
   San Antonio      9169          512

   Brookfield       9167          414
   Milwaukee        9167          414           D/WIMIL/3/12/24

Mountain Time Zone ----------

   Mesa             9532          602
   Phoenix          9532          602           D/AZPHO/3/12
   Tucson           4751          602 m             & SpStnaJct calls must
                                                    use 1 + phone number
                                                    [see coverage.txt])
   Aurora           2584          303
   Boulder          2584          303
   Denver           2584          303           D/CODEN/3/12/24

   Salt Lake City   ----          801           D/UTSLC/3/12/24

Pacific Time Zone -----------

   Alhambra         9204          818 m
   Anaheim          9184          714
   Colton, CA       ----          714           D/CACOL/3/12/24
   El Segundo       9203          203 m
   Glendale, CA     ----          818           D/CAGLE/12
   Long Beach       9205          213 m
   Los Angeles, CA  ----          213           D/CALAN/3/12/24
   Newport Beach    9184          714
   Oakland          8963          415           D/CAOAK/3/12/24
   Palo Alto, CA    ----          415           D/CAPAL/12
   Pasadena         9204          818 m
   Pleasanton       9202          415 m
   Sacramento       9179          916           D/CASAC/3/12/24
   San Diego, CA    ----          619           D/CASDI/3/12/24
   San Francisco    9533          415           D/CASFA/3/12/24
   San Jose         6450          408           D/CASJO/12
   Santa Ana, CA    ----          714           D/CASAN/12
   Sherman Oaks     9206          818 m
   Vernon           3173          213
   Walnut Creek     9202          415 m

   Portland, OR     ----          503           D/ORPOR/3/12

   Bellevue         9170          206
   Seattle          9170          206           D/WASEA/3


The following countries have direct dial-in access to STARLINK:


BRITISH COLUMBIA:Burnaby,Vancouver
QUEBEC:Montreal,Quebec City, Ville St. Laurent
   (Off peak rates from these cities is billed at $4.00 per hour.)
      (Other Canadian cities can reach STARLINK via DataPac.)

UNITED KINGDOM: (Via Mercury) London
    (Off peak access from London is billed at $10.00 per hour.)

For more information about STARLINK, call 804-495-INFO by modem or
804-495-4693 by voice.

[Moderator's Note: As you can see, there are several places reachable via
Starlink/Tymnet not reachable by PCP and vice versa. PCP seems to be
especially heavy in California, where Starlink has somewhat less coverage
in that state. However, Starlink allows calls to Canada and the UK,
something Telenet absolutely forbids.

The folks at Starlink operate their own Information Service/BBS/Chat at
the 804-495-INFO number. One nice thing about it is they give UPI at no
extra surcharge. They also offer hookups to Reuter News Service, the
Official Airline Guide and a travel/hotel/car rental reservations system.
My understanding is that the $10 per month or $25 per month fee, which
allows purchase of Starlink at $1.50 per hour or $1.00 per hour respectively,
also gives you a certain amount of free time on their own system. Of
course, you have to use Starlink to call them, and pay for the Starlink

Another point which troubles me a little is their use of somewhat misleading
or out of context statements describing the cost of their service versus the
new rates at PCP. In messages which discuss 'how much you will save' by
using their service at $25 plus $1 per hour versus PCP, they are saying that
PCP will charge $4.50 per hour after 30 hours, which is only correct if you
do not purchase *multiple accounts from Telenet at 30X30*. Quite obviously,
two or three accounts from PCP at 30X30 is only $60 or $90 per month. The
same 60 hours at Starlink would be either $10+(1.50x60=90)+$100 per month
or $25+(1x60=60)=$85 per month, depending on how you pay for it. 90 hours
per month would be $10+(1.50x90=135)=$145 per month or $25+(1x90=90)=$115
per month.

For heavy users then, multiple accounts with Telenet would still be cheaper
than Starlink at $60 on PCP versus $85/$100 on Starlink. The latter is only
a bargain for the very casual user of less than around 20 hours per month
or the user who wishes to call Canada or the UK. I will get a Starlink
account as a supplement to my PCP account and use it for places not served
by PCP. And of course, Tymnet/Starlink addressing is much easier; just a
four digit number gets your connection versus the longer Telenet scheme.

Finally, Starlink allows the placement of calls via an outdial modem to
a point outside the local calling zone. Telenet does not. With some clever
planning, you can use a nearby outdial to call anywhere. Starlink told me
the surcharge for this would be 110% of telco. Starlink versus PCP? You
will have to decide, based on your own use and applications. P. Townson]

David_W_Tamkin@harvard.harvard.edu (02/03/89)

Patrick Townson commented on Nia Bennett's comparison of Starlink and PCP:

B> You can precede the number to be dialed with a "1" and call any BBS in that
B> area code.  You will be billed for the long distance call from the outdial
B> port to the host computer at the local phone company's rates.

Is the 1 needed for Starlink or is Ms. Bennett thinking of how things work
in area code 804, where telcos require it for non-local intra-NPA calls?

B> Outdial Host Numbers Sorted by Time Zone, State,

They still copy Tymnet Information's error in placing Detroit in the Central
Zone.  I've pointed that out to Nia.

B> California
B>    Alhambra         9204          818 m
B>    Anaheim          9184          714
B>    Colton, CA       ----          714           D/CACOL/3/12/24
B>    El Segundo       9203          203 m
B>    Glendale, CA     ----          818           D/CAGLE/12
B>    Long Beach       9205          213 m
B>    Los Angeles, CA  ----          213           D/CALAN/3/12/24
B>    Newport Beach    9184          714
B>    Oakland          8963          415           D/CAOAK/3/12/24
B>    Palo Alto, CA    ----          415           D/CAPAL/12
B>    Pasadena         9204          818 m
B>    Pleasanton       9202          415 m
B>    Sacramento       9179          916           D/CASAC/3/12/24
B>    San Diego, CA    ----          619           D/CASDI/3/12/24
B>    San Francisco    9533          415           D/CASFA/3/12/24
B>    San Jose         6450          408           D/CASJO/12
B>    Santa Ana, CA    ----          714           D/CASAN/12
B>    Sherman Oaks     9206          818 m
B>    Vernon           3173          213
B>    Walnut Creek     9202          415 m

The California list seems to show a lot of gaps for Starlink, but notice
that the Vernon and El Segundo outdialers cover the territory of CALAN;
that Alhambra/Pasadena and Sherman Oaks cover that of CAGLE; that Anaheim and
Newport Beach cover that of CACOL and CASAN; that CAPAL's territory is
reachable from the Walnut Creek Tymnet outdialer.

There are, to my knowledge, only four PCP cities not covered by Tymnet's
outdialers: NCRTP, UTSLC, ORPOR, and CASDI.

T> However, Starlink allows calls to Canada and the UK, something Telenet
T> absolutely forbids.

Starlink allows calls *from* Canada via Tymnet Canada's indials and *from*
the UK via Mercury's indials.  They also take calls from ConnNet indials
to Tymnet, so they are a local call everywhere in Connecticut.

Nia has told me that a Starlink account can access any domestic DAF connected
to Tymnet (though you may get a separate billing from the DAF provider).  I
don't know whether international addresses are surcharged or locked out.

T> My understanding is that the $10 per month or $25 per month fee, which
T> allows purchase of Starlink at $1.50 per hour or $1.00 per hour respectively
T> also gives you a certain amount of free time on their own system. Of
T> course, you have to use Starlink to call them, and pay for the Starlink
T> time.

Galaxy BBS charges $2 per hour, but the first two hours each month are free
for Starlink customers.  Their explanation is that two hours is an allowance
for Starlink customers to check their current billing and keep up with news
and announcements.  PCP gives no way to check on running usage.

Another point Starlink advertises is that they can get you a new password
in fifteen minutes. (It would be better yet if Starlink account holders could
log into Galaxy BBS and change their own passwords, but it's still an
improvement over PCP, except that PCP staffers frequently bend the rules and
give you a new password, for better or worse, over the phone.)

T> Finally, Starlink allows the placement of calls via an outdial modem to
T> a point outside the local calling zone. Telenet does not. With some clever
T> planning, you can use a nearby outdial to call anywhere. Starlink told me
T> the surcharge for this would be 110% of telco.

100% or 110%?  There is a discrepancy here.  At any rate, *Tymnet*, not
Starlink, appears to restrict these to calls within the area code, since
Tymnet Information's description of the outdial service states that you must
use an outidaler in the same area code as the number you want to reach.

David_W_Tamkin@cup.portal.com   ... sun!portal!cup.portal.com!David_W_Tamkin

kings@utflis (David A. Kingsland) (02/03/89)

I would take exception to the moderators comment about "Starlink
allowing calls to Canada and the United Kingdom"  Tymnet (and so
Starlink) allows calls *FROM* Canada and the UK *TO* anywhere in
the 48 states.  We have not implemented the outdial service here
in Canada because there hasn't been enough demand.

tanner@bikini.cis.ufl.edu (02/03/89)

The area codes shown on the comparison appear bogus.  Neither
Longwood nor Orlando are in 305 any more.  The northern part of 305
got split off and is now 407.

					Dr. T. Andrews, Systems
					CompuData, Inc.  DeLand
PS: Longwood?  Come on, why not just say Sanford.  No one outside
of the area is likely to know where Longwood is.
...!bikini.cis.ufl.edu!ki4pv!tanner  ...!bpa!cdin-1!cdis-1!ki4pv!tanner
or...  {allegra killer gatech!uflorida decvax!ucf-cs}!ki4pv!tanner

telecom@bu-cs.BU.EDU (TELECOM Moderator) (02/04/89)

Both Mssrs. Tamkin and Kingsland pointed out something which I missed in
my initial, admittedly quick evaluation of Starlink: International calls
can be made *from* the UK and Canada, not *to* those countries.

Tamkin asks for clarification on the surcharges for calls made from the
Tymnet outdialers: Several months ago I made a call to Tymnet when I was
considering signing up with them. At that time, their sales representative
discussed the use of the outdialers with me, and quoted me the 110% of
telco rate. He said I would pay for the phone call, and a 'surcharge' for
the billing and extra record keeping which had to be done.

When I was in chat last Sunday morning with the fellow at Starlink, we
discussed the outdialers, and he said Starlink customers would be billed
for any phone calls made from the outdialers outside the local calling
area. I briefly mentioned to him my conversation of several months earlier
and the 110 percent quote from Tymnet, and if I am not mistaken, he
responded by saying, 'Tymnet may put some small surcharge on the phone
call'. Using that as my authority, and remembering the earlier comments
of the Tymnet representative, I beleive the effective charge will be
110 percent, that is, unless Starlink has some other arrangement with Tymnet
on this point allowing phone calls to be handled at no extra surcharge
above the cost of the call itself.

A problem I see with the use of the outdialers to make extended area calls
is that only on rare occassions is an intra-state call going to be less
expensive than an interstate one. That is, a call from San Jose to a
nearby (but considered long distance) town in California will easily cost
me the same thirteen cents per minute that calling from Chicago via Reach
Out would cost. And, I would be paying for the Tymnet circuit also. I think at
the very least you could expect charges of 10-15 cents per minute on any
intra-state call. My reaction is that this 'feature' of Tymnet's service
is not particularly valuable, considering how inexpensive long haul interstate
calls have become at night.

The $10 minimum fee per month on Starlink is attractive for persons who use
this type of thing no more than 12-13 hours per month. As I pointed out in
my previous message, 60 hours on PC Pursuit is $60; the same 60 hours on
Starlink is either $85 or $100, depending on the package you choose. If
international calls outbound from the States were allowed -- apologies for
my earlier misreading of this! -- then Starlink's 'pay per hour for what you
use' plan would be valuable, since Telenet does not offer international
calls to PC'ers regardless of what we are willing to pay. To access my
mailbox on West Germany's [Tele-Box Mail Service], I now dial direct via
AT&T. Likewise, for my occassional visits on Mercury, I dial direct to the
UK. Too bad neither Telenet nor Tymnet will market this service; they certainly
have the circuits available.

Without the international access to UK and Canada, Starlink actually becomes
less valuable to me, and as I said earlier, dialing an intra-state call
from an outdialer is not where one will find any savings.

I'm still waiting for my package to show up from Starlink (it has been a week),
and when it arrives I will sign up, but probably confine my usage to the
places not served by Telenet.

Again, those phone numbers to call for more information or to signup:
Voice 804-495-4693   Modem 804-495-INFO

They bill to various credit cards, and they also offer a 'check-free' option.
The fellow I spoke with last Sunday was most cordial, and spent  about an
hour in chat with me, discussing Starlink.

Patrick Townson