[comp.dcom.telecom] Last of the area codes

e118-ak@euler.berkeley.edu (Linc Madison) (05/15/89)

I've been following the area code splits with some interest, since they
seem to be affecting just about every place I've ever lived.  As has
been noted, 909 and 917 are the only remaining "conventional" A/C's left
unused at present, and my area (Oakland/Berkeley, California) is slated
to get one in 1991, before "Time T."  Any idea what the last one will
be?  Maryland, perhaps?  Will 706 and 905 be reclaimed for use in US/
Canada, requiring "011" dialing for all calls to Mexico?

Another speculation: what areas will get new area codes in 1992 when
the telcos get to use NNX codes?  One area that comes to mind immediately
is Yukon/Northwest Territories.  For years upon years, the numerical
list of area codes in my phone book has shown "403: Alberta, 403: Yukon
Territory (Temporary), 403:Northwest Territories (Temporary), 404:
Georgia ..."  A/C 403 has been "temporary" for YT/NWT for an awfully
long time.

-- Linc Madison = rmadison@euler.berkeley.edu
	       or e118-ak@  "       "      "