[comp.dcom.telecom] Routing Incoming Calls on Home Phone

dspeed@sactoh0.uucp (Dave L. Speed) (05/26/89)

I'm experiencing a lot of demand on my "home" phone line; home phones, home
office phone, answering machine, modem(s), and a fax machine.  In addition,
I'm besieged with telephone solicitations. With today's use of
telecommunications, I don't think I'm alone in this situation.

One solution might be a home PBX, where a caller gets a second "dial-tone"
and selects the proper internal line with a touch-tone code (perhaps with a
10 second wait default to the answering machine line). This and roll-over on
busy from outside line A to outside line B would go a long way towards
congestion relief.

I've seen only two "home" type PBX systems advertised so far; one from Nutone
in the $1200 range and one from Toshiba in the $400 range.  I have requested
literature on both; that which was sent to me was inadequate to make any
rational decision. Would either of these offer a realistic solution? Are there
other systems available?  Are they compatible with modems (both 2400 baud
and/or Telebits?  Are they compatible with (common) fax systems? Are they
reliable?  What necessary questions am I not asking?

  Dave Speed (dspeed)   :      "Don't Crush That Dwarf,              :
  8908 Van Gogh Circle  :      Hand Me The Pliers" - Fireside        :
  Fair Oaks, CA  95628  :                                            :

   UUCP: (known universe) pacbell!sactoh0!dspeed   BELL: (916)966-4188
   >>> As a matter of fact, my opinions *are* those of my company <<<