[comp.dcom.telecom] Area code data for Autovon number

CIS@s41.prime.com (06/01/89)

/* Written  2:20 am  May 27, 1989 by telecom-gateway@vector.UUCP in S41:comp.dcom.telecom */
/* ---------- ""area code" data for Autovon number" ---------- */
>I'd like to mash a copy of the area code program to return locations
>for Autovon prefixes (and vice-versa).  Does anyone have an online
>copy of Autovon prefixes+locations I could grab for this purpose?

/* End of text from S41:comp.dcom.telecom */

I'd like to point out here to anyone who might be listening in on this is that
what Frank wants to do is Not Especially Legal, at least according to what I
know about DSN (Defense Switched Network).

DSN is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.  So are its phone books.  That means that the
information contained therein is for use only by DoD employees (civilian
and military) and contractors, and for business only.  That we give out DSN
phone numbers in clear text over the phone is not relevant here.  Please,
Frank, cease and desist.  For anyone to want that information is a bit
suspect, and sets of a flag with <insert favorite agency here>.

Chuck Stern                    "Keep your feet on the ground, keep reaching for
Prime Computer, Inc.            the sky, pray for rain, keep the humor dry and
500 Old Connecticut Path        keep eating those Powdermilk Biscuits"
Framingham, MA 01701

/*  I do not claim to even KNOW who speaks for Prime, much less claiming that
     I do so myself. */

[Moderator's Note: As a point of clarification, the original message to
which Mr. Stern is replying was NOT in this Digest. The notations with the
message would indicate it appeared in (or was written to) one of the various
local telecom bulletin boards receiving the Digest for redistribution. PT]

carlson@gateway.mitre.org (Bruce Carlson) (06/03/89)

>X-TELECOM-Digest: volume 9, issue 184, message 10 of 11

>/* Written  2:20 am  May 27, 1989 by telecom-gateway@vector.UUCP in S41:
comp.dcom.telecom */
>/* ---------- ""area code" data for Autovon number" ---------- */
>>I'd like to mash a copy of the area code program to return locations
>>for Autovon prefixes (and vice-versa).  Does anyone have an online
>>copy of Autovon prefixes+locations I could grab for this purpose?

>/* End of text from S41:comp.dcom.telecom */

I have a copy of the Department of Defense Telepone Directory for the
National Capital Region [Washington, DC for the nonmilitary types].
This directory provides the numbers for all DoD offices in Washington, DC
and also includes the AUTOVON prefixes and information numbers for almost
all DoD installations.  There is a statement on page one
that says this directory is "For sale by the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402".

If they will sell you a copy I assume it is legal to do so and it should
solve your problem with determining location of AUTOVON numbers.

Bruce Carlson

Disclaimer:  My comments do not necessarily reflect the views of MITRE
Corp or any government agency MITRE supports.