[comp.dcom.telecom] MCI and Sprint Operator Service

dias@iris.ucdavis.edu (Gihan Dias) (07/24/89)

I noticed recently that MCI and US Sprint have started operator service. (at
least here in Northern California) I haven't seen an announcement about it in
comp.dcom.telecom so I thought I'd report it.

Dialling 10222 00 gives "MCI, operator xxx" and 10333 00 gives "US Sprint, may
I help you" so I assume these are really MCI/Sprint operators and not some AOS
as somebody reported a while ago. Dialling 10222 0 XXX XXX XXXX gives a "BINGg"
tone and an operator comes on-line if I don't enter a calling card no.

Trying the same thing a few months ago resulted in a recording asking me to
dial 10288 so this IS a new development here. What I'd like to know is, is this
implemented across the U.S., or only in Calif.? What operator services do MCI
and Sprint provide? What is their pricing like? (I'm not officially an MCI
subscriber so I don't get their blurbs.)

Gihan  <dias@iris.ucdavis.edu>    <...!ucbvax!ucdavis!gdias>

[Moderator's Note: I noticed it (with MCI) for the first time about three
weeks ago when I answered my ringing phone to hear a man say, 'This is the
MCI Operator. I have a collect call for anyone at this number, will you
accept the charges?'  My first concern, of course, was that it was some
AOS outfit about to give me a thrill on my next phone bill, but further
investigation revealed that indeed, MCI was now equipped with operators,
or at least contracting for operator services at a legitimate rate for
same. My July bill from IBT had a section for MCI, with that collect call
listed at a decent rate.

The use of '00' is only required to bring up a long distance operator via
default carrier dialing, versus '0' to raise the local telco operator. If you
are using 10xxx codes, then a single '0' following the code will work. Neither
Sprint nor MCI operators can test lines or call via Inward, however. PT]