Re: Douglas Scott Reuben's "cute" article on Inward Dialing and how amusing is it to ask AT&T operators [particularly the less experienced] for obscure dialing sequences and locations. The idea of adults, presumably gainfully employed professionals, going around harrasing low-paid, tighly monitored working folks is just toooo cuuuuute! I wonder if Wesleyan has any "amusing" numbers? (08/11/89)
My apologies to Douglas Scott Reuben and anyone else who may have gotten bent out of shape about my recent posting. My point was (and is) NOT that Reuben or anyone else should or should not dial as they desire, rather that the invitation to "Try ...." can cause difficulties for the Operators. Long Distance Operators are the original ACD SLAVES. The are not short and abrupt because they want to be but because their job depends on handling time, calls per hour and a litany of such measurements. An ironic twist is the recent posting pointing out that management replacements during the RBOC strike are nicer and friendlier than the normal operators. These same people would severly discipline a regular operator doing the same.