dattier@jolnet.orpk.il.us (David W. Tamkin) (09/04/89)
In response to explanations of reaching CompuServe via Telenet in volume 9, issue 342, which I am too tired to yank in and cite: CIS's Telenet addresses are 614227 and 202202. Internationally, these would translate to 0311061400227 and 0311020200202. The leading zero might not be needed. (3110 is the DNIC [data network identification code?] for Telenet.) CIS is also reachable via Tymnet (the host name is "compuserve") but most efficiently and least expensively via CIS's own network, of course. CIS now has its own nodes in Canada; I don't have a list of specific cities handy. The communications surcharge, last I heard, was the same $US 0.30 per hour that is charged on calls from nodes in the United States. CIS does NOT differentiate between prepaid and collect calls on Telenet or Tymnet, at least on those that originate in the United States: you pay the same $10 (prime) or $2 (nonprime) per hour for the communications surcharge via Telenet or Tymnet regardless of whether your connection is coming in prepaid or collect. David Tamkin dattier@jolnet.orpk.il.us {attctc,netsys,ddsw1}!jolnet!dattier P. O. Box 813 GEnie: D.W.TAMKIN BIX: dattier CIS: 73720,1570 Rosemont, Illinois 60018-0813 voice mail: (312) 693-0591, (708) 518-6769 [Moderator's Note: Compuserve also has a DNIC reachable through Telenet. Compuserve's DNIC is recognized by all the international data networks. I am not sure what the purpose of this is (as opposed to simply having them as a customer of Telenet), but I first noticed it when I was reading the 'help files' for the Hong Kong Telephone Company's data network on line one day. The file listed DNIC's around the world (Telenet has the same kind of reference list) and one there was Compuserve. Maybe it has to do with international customers of Compuserve. I really don't know about it. PT]