[comp.dcom.telecom] Custom Calling Options In Some Virginia Communities

cmoore@brl.mil (VLD/VMB) (09/06/89)

 From the Roanoke and Botetourt Tel. Co. directory (serving Troutville, etc.,
just north of Roanoke, Va.; phone 703-992-2211):

Custom Calling Features:
Call Waiting
Call Forwarding
3-Way Calling
Speed Calling
Do Not Disturb
Automatic Wake-Up
Package Rate (All Of The Above Features)

I continued north on U.S. 220 and came to the CFW Tel. Co. directory
for Clifton Forge-Covington, Va. (also Potts Creek, which is apparently
nearby but which I can't yet find on a map).  It includes:

Toll Control
Toll Denial

Both of these prevent 0+ and 1+ calls, except that the former will permit
such calls with the proper user-defined access code.  For the latter, it
is necessary to warn the customer that among the prohibited calls will be
0 for the operator in an emergency or when in need of help in calling.