[comp.dcom.telecom] What is law on intercepting 10288?

wrf@ecse.rpi.edu (Wm. Randolph Franklin) (09/11/89)

In July at the Santa Barbara Sheraton I dialled 10288  from the room and
got a Call America operator.  When I called ATT to mention the incident,
they commiserated with me but said that nothing could be done.  However,
later the FCC  Enforcement Division told me that  this WAS  illegal so I
filed a written complaint.

Why  doesn't  ATT tell callers  that trapping 10288,  which many Telecom
respondents say is routinely  done, is illegal  and recommend  filing an
FCC complaint?  Are they afraid to assert their  legal rights?  Or is it
only the  FCC's opinion that this is  illegal, and is there  some  other
authority (maybe a court) who disagrees?
						   Wm. Randolph Franklin
Internet: wrf@ecse.rpi.edu (or @cs.rpi.edu)    Bitnet: Wrfrankl@Rpitsmts
Telephone: (518) 276-6077;  Telex: 6716050 RPI TROU; Fax: (518) 276-6261
Paper: ECSE Dept., 6026 JEC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, Troy NY, 12180