[comp.dcom.telecom] Mail Connections With GEnie

dwtamkin@chinet.chi.il.us (David W. Tamkin) (09/12/89)

Larry Krone aksed in TELECOM Digest, Volume 9, Issue 362:

> Are there any network connections to GENIE...???

GEnie's answer when I phoned was "not at this time."  Two months ago my
interpretation would have been that it was a polite way to say "when hell
freezes over," but we lived to see CompuServe connect.

Other divisions of General Electric are already on the net (the .ge.com
subdomain), and sometimes when customers receive email on GEnie from employee
accounts the senders' names appear in @ style (such as STAFF.ACCOUNT@GENIE I
think) for whatever that is worth.  It certainly doesn't mean much on BIX,
where all mail appears as from sender@BYTECOSY, even from customer accounts,
but they aren't on the net either and are content to let the DASnet people
take care of mail between BIX customers and the net at DASnet's usual rates.

David Tamkin  P.O Box 813  Rosemont, Illinois 60018-0813 |      BIX: dattier
dwtamkin@chinet.chi.il.us   (312)693-0591  (708)518-6769 | GEnie: D.W.TAMKIN
Everyone on Chinet has his or her own opinion about this.|   CIS: 73720,1570
[Jolnet had a disk crash; I should be dattier@jolnet.orpk.il.us again soon.]