[comp.dcom.telecom] Telephants and NPA 215

GREEN@wharton.upenn.edu (Scott D. Green) (09/18/89)

	-  Elephone/Telephant:  I'm not certain, but it sounds an
awful lot like Ogden Nash.

	-  re:  Greg Monti's observation of NPA 215.  Having just
received my new Bell o' PA White Pages and updated my call
accounting system to include those exchanges that have recently
come into being, I can report the following:

	-  5 exchanges were added within the City of Philadelphia
	-  6 were added in the Suburban Philadelphia (Measured Local
Usage) area
	-  8 were added in the Greater-215 (intra-LATA toll) area.

It still leaves (apparently) plenty of room for growth, even
without going to N0X/N1X prefixes.  Here's the list of available
exchanges (hang on, it's going to be exciting!):

230	239	240	260	290	292	325	366	392	393
394	396	397     420 	421	428	429	442	450	451
454	460	470	475	478	479	490	520	529	530
550	554	558	571	573	575	580	594	599	651
652	654	655	656	658	669	680	695	720	730
731	733	737	738	761	762	764	771	772	773
774	792	798	832	840	850	859	880	882	883
888	890	930	940	954	955	958	960     984	989

That appears to leave us with the ability to add about 800,000 new
lines, not including the N0X/N1X.  I don't know what the "formula"
might be to determine an NPA split, but it looks to me like we've got
a ways to go yet.


cmoore@brl.mil (VLD/VMB) (09/18/89)

I have had some previous messages in the digest at odd times regarding
use or non-use of Wilmington (Del.) area prefixes in area code 215.
Local calls from Pa. to Del. now require the area code; previously,
Chester Heights (Pa.) had 7-digit dialing to Phila. and suburban
Phila. and West Chester and (now requiring area code)
Wilmington/Newport/Holly Oak (Del.).

A recent advertisement I received had 456 prefix in Newark, Del.
This duplicates a prefix in Philadelphia.

Also, I notice that phone prefixes in Lambertville, Ewing, and Trenton, NJ
(all of which have local service into part of area 215 in Pa.) are not dup-
licated in area 215.