[comp.dcom.telecom] Telenet/PCP Waives Enrollment Fee for User Groups

dkpurks@uunet.uu.net (David Purks) (09/26/89)

	This is an official release from Telenet's PC Pursuit Product
	Management...questions or comments can be directed to the address
	in the announcement, the email address uunet!telenet!dkpurks,
	or on our product support BBS (The Net Exchange).

                         User Groups Promotion

Do you know someone who is a prospective customer for the PC Pursuit

Between now and December 31st we will be offering a special promotion
for new customers who are members of a computer user group or
society.  We will waive the regular $30 sign-up fee.

It is very easy for new users to qualify.  The President or
Coordinator of the User Group must send a letter (preferably on
user group stationary), stating the purpose of the group, number
of new prospective Pursuit customers, group address and telephone
number to:

                   Product Manager, PC Pursuit
                   Mail Stop HQ24P
                   Telenet Communications Corporation
                   12490 Sunrise Valley Drive
                   Reston, Va. 22096

We will send appropriate sign up forms to be distributed and
returned.  After credit card verification and order acceptance, the
sign-up fee will be waived and users will receive their user Id and
password along with Pursuit documentation through the mail within 10
working days or less.

If you belong to a user group or know members of other user groups
please feel free to pass this information along.

David Purks
PC Pursuit Technical Coordinator
Telenet Communications Corporation

[Moderator's Note: I do believe PC Pursuit has to be one of the best deals
in data communications today. Prices as low as 83 cents per hour (when you
have the $50 for 60 hours per month package) really can't be beat. I've
been a subscriber to PCP since the first week it began operation, back in
1984. Even the $1 per hour ($30 for 30 hours per month) is a steal.

And of course I am not prejudiced or anything merely because TELECOM Digest
is available to users of the Net Exchange. Even without our little journal
of telephony being available to read at no charge there, PCP and the Net
Exchange would be a bargain.  PT]