[comp.dcom.telecom] New Zealand Broadcast Call Signs

mark@motown.altair.fr (09/27/89)

Henry Mensch <henry@garp.mit.edu> writes:
>New Zealand
>broadcast stations use a similar convention: the "ZL" becomes silent,
>and the number indicates location (1=North Island, 2=South Island).

Actually, it goes like this:

    ZL1xx = northern North Island, essentially Auckland
    ZL2xx = southern North Island, essentially Wellington
    ZL3xx = northern South Island, essentially Christchurch
    ZL4xx = southern South Island, essentially Dunedin

It is true that the stations *never* announce the "ZL".  One reason
for this is a sentimental attachment of many New Zealanders for Mother
England, whose stations' call signs really do start with numbers.
Thus the Auckland station ZL1YA sounds British and serious when it
calls itself "1YA".  Newer FM and rock stations, of course, since they
appeal to a younger audience who couldn't care less about Mother
England, are discarding the number as well:  ZL1ZM-FM, for example,
just calls itself "ZM-FM", and the Auckland University campus station,
ZL1BFM (I think), never identifies itself as anything other than

### T. Mark James           #### opinions, errors etc are my own ###
### mark@bdblues.altair.fr  ####
### +33 (1) 39 63 53 93     #### "The universe is a four-dimensional
################################  Moebius strip."  -- R. D. Ladd