[comp.dcom.telecom] Master List of Internet Users Available

ptownson@eecs.nwu.edu (Patrick A. Townson) (10/03/89)

A master list of ten thousand plus names and network addresses is now
available, in alphabetical order. Most Internet people are listed, as
are a number of people from non-Internet locations.

The list is not considered complete, nor is the methodology involved in
the collection perfect. But, it is a good start, and a valuable list
to have in your reference files.

To obtain your copy --

      telnet 4666| tail +4| compress > userlist.z

Then, add a single line which includes your name and network address,
or just send garbage if you prefer.

Allow about a minute for the full transmission! It is a <big> file and
will be about 227,000 bytes compressed. So be sure you have space
available to receive it. It'll easily take 250-300 blocks, and when you
review it uncompressed, its closer to 500,000 bytes.

Patrick Townson

RS%AI.AI.MIT.EDU@mintaka.lcs.mit.edu (Robert E. Seastrom) (10/04/89)

> To obtain your copy --
>      telnet 4666| tail +4| compress > userlist.z
> Allow about a minute for the full transmission! It is a <big> file...

This is antisocial behavior of the worst kind!  Blowing
UNCOMPRESSED data across the network only to compress it on your end
and then have to uncompress it again to read it will do two things:

1) It will eat a bit of CPU time on your machine.  If you're on
a single user workstation, then you aren't taking anyone else's cycles
and that's fine.  But if you are on a general-use timesharing system
(like your organization's main VAX or something like that), you're
bogging down system response for other users.

NETWORK.  This will have detrimental effects on others who are using
the network for telnets and FTPs.  The explosive growth of the Internet
over the past several years has made it well neigh impossible for
the people who run NSFnet and the regionals to keep up with demand
for network bandwidth.  Don't make matters worse by capriciously
moving large amounts of data over the Internet without compressing
it first.

There is no inherent benefit to sending a large file by telnet over
sending it via FTP.  I urge whoever is making this list available to
the public to COMPRESS it, make it available for FTP, and have a
mailbox set up so that people can send their information if they
want to be included.

I urge readers of TELECOM to NOT retrieve this file until it can be
retrieved in a matter that is more considerate of others.

                              ---R.E. Seastrom

telecom@eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Moderator) (10/04/89)

In the message just before this, I am roundly castigated for my anti-social
behavior and for causing the untimely demise of the net.

What a laugh. Frankly, Mr. Seastrom, you don't know what you are talking

Here follows the *original* message from the directory compilers, AS IT
APPEARED IN NEWS.ADMIN -- that old hangout of all the anti-social types

Please note how the managers of the list at Ohio State University -- a
fine, respected site on the net -- request that it be delivered.

Please note also that in Unix lessons for the elementary beginning student,
the letter 'Z' on the end of a file name indicates a compressed file.
Please note also that contrary to the misguided information from the
previous correspondent, the file *does come compressed*. Regardless, it
is huge, even in compressed form.

Now, here is the 'anti-social' message which started it all --

Article 3933 of news.admin:
Path: accuvax.nwu.edu!tank!ncar!mailrus!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!nisca.ircc.
 From: bernstei@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Dan Bernstein)
Newsgroups: comp.mail.misc,news.admin
Subject: Pilot Project: User List Available Over Internet
Message-ID: <278@nisca.ircc.ohio-state.edu>
Date: 2 Oct 89 20:24:53 GMT
Sender: news@nisca.ircc.ohio-state.edu
Followup-To: comp.mail.misc
Distribution: usa
Lines: 48
Xref: accuvax.nwu.edu comp.mail.misc:1198 news.admin:3933

As a pilot project, we are making available to the Internet a list of user
names and electronic addresses. Please note that this project is not an
official project of The Ohio State University.

The list is compiled from public information only, by automatic methods.
Do not mail requests to be added to the list; at this time we consider
Internet security too low for an explicit add method.

As of October 1, the list contains approximately ten thousand Internet
names and addresses; it contains a few hundred non-Internet names and
addresses, because our software isn't perfect. It uses about 450K of
disk space, half that when compressed. We expect the list to double in
size by December 1.

We are investigating methods of expanding the list, verifying its
accuracy, and removing outdated entries; for now, it is an unformatted,
unreliable list with no guarantees of accuracy, suitable for manual
searches. If this project proves useful and we are able to continue it,
it should serve as a partial solution to the white pages problem while
long-term solutions are designed.

You need BSD UNIX telnet or its equivalent to obtain a copy of the list;
hpuxa does not provide anonymous ftp access. Type
  telnet 4666 | tail +4 | compress > userlist.Z

followed by a line of anything, terminated by a line feed (not carriage
return). After a few minutes, depending on your network speed, telnet
will finish and the compressed list will be in userlist.Z. If you
interrupt telnet during this type (e.g., by typing ^]) the list will
be mangled. Also, BSD telnet does not work in the background.

[TELECOM Moderator's 'anti-social' note: Did YOU read the above paragraph
carefully? Maybe RGS will go back and read it again!   PT]

The ``line of anything'' will be recorded here at hpuxa, along
with your Internet address, for administration and to determine the
popularity of the user list. You can leave no information at all,
your username@host.domain and name if you want, or random garbage.
This provides a convenient comment mechanism; precede your input by
*** to ensure that human operators notice it. If this mechanism
is abused, we will disable it.

If you don't have tail or compress, just redirect the telnet output
into a file. If you don't have telnet, UNIX, or an Internet connection,
you cannot obtain the list from us at this time.

Mail any lengthy comments to this address. If you complain about the
operation of the list, make sure to suggest something better.
---Dan Bernstein, brnstnd@acf10.nyu.edu, bernstei@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu


Mr. Bernstein, we thank you for your efforts on the list. And to our
correspondent here who made such a stink, please direct your comments to
Dan Bernstein -- let him know what a terrible thing he is promoting
please. Maybe a copy to the University would be a good idea also.

In the above reprint of the original message in news.admin, the emphasis
marks -
            (^^^^^^^^ marks) are mine, and not part of the original.

Your anti-social moderator,

Patrick Townson