[comp.dcom.telecom] Fax Over TCP/IP

eli@ursa-major.spdcc.com (Steve Elias) (10/14/89)

[Moderator's Note: This is a reply to a message which first appeared in
comp.protocols. Mr. Elias passed along this response which was sent to
that group by (Hubert D).   PT]

I suggest using the CCITT group 4 document transmition standard instead
of the CCITT group 3 specification which is used over the phone lines.  The
group 4 spec uses ONE compression table for the entire file; group 3
uses a compression table for EVERY line.  The internetwork is a much
more reliable medium than the telephone lines.  So, a protocol which
suits the medium should be used.

Hubert Daugherty             Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
hd@rice.edu                                   Rice University
(713) 527-4035                               Houston, TX 77252