[comp.dcom.telecom] 708 Prefixes To Be Removed From 312

blair@obdient.chi.il.us (Doug Blair) (10/17/89)


Just got through typing in all the prefixes that are going to move to
708. Gotta drive a little awk script to make that move on 11/11/89. Now
there's no sense in everyone all typiing it in is there? So, if it
hasn't been sent into the dcom.telecom file yet, please do so with the
appended list. If you'd like the script too, let me know.

 ___  _           _  _             _
|   || |_  ___  _| ||_| ___  __  _| |_  Doug Blair    Obedient Software Corp.
| | ||  .\/ ._\/.  || |/ ._\|  \|_   _| 1007 Naperville Rd, Wheaton IL  60187
|___||___/\___/\___||_|\___/|_|_| |_|   obdient!blair blair@obdient.chi.il.us

The following prefixes will move from area code 312 to area code 708
on November 11, 1989. Note that 555 (directory assistance) and 591
(high volume calls - radio stations etc) and 976 (dial-it phone
programs and recordings) will remain in both 312 and 708. This info
typed from an Illinois Bell pamphlet dated 5/15/89 and is subject
to change!

201 	206	206	208	209	210	213	215	216
218	223     228	231     232	234	240	244	246
249	250     251	253	255	256     257	258	259
260	272     279	289     290	291	293	295     296
297	298	299	301	303	304	305	307	310
314	317	318	319	323	325	328	330	331
333	335	336	339	343	344	345	349	350
351	352	354	355	356	357	358	359	360
361	362	364	365	366     367	369     371	377
381	382	383	385	386	387	388	389	390
391	392     393	394     395	396	397	398	402
403	405     406	409	412	416	418	420	422
423	424     425	426	428	429	430	432	433
437	438	439	441	442	446	447	448	449
450	451	452	453	455	456	457	458	459
460	462	464	466	469	470	473	474	475
479	480	481	482	484	485	490	491	492
495	496	497	498	499	501	503	505	506
510     512	513	515	516	517	518	519	520
524	526	529	530	531	532	534	535	537
540	541	543	544	546	547	551	552     553
554	555     556	557	560	562	563	564	566
570	571	572	573	574	575	576	577	578
579	584	587	590	591	593	594	595	596
597	598	599	603	605	612	614	615	617
619	620	623	627	628	629	632	634	635
636	639	640	647	652	653	654	655	656
657	658	662	665	668	669	671	672	673
674	675	676	677	678	679	680	681	682
683	687	688	689	690	691	692	695	696
697	698	699	705	706	709	713	717	719
720	724	729	730	739	740	741	742	746
747	748     749	754	755	756	757	758	759
766	771	773	780	788	789	790	795	796
798	799	801	803	806	810	816	817	818
820	823	824	825	827	830	831	832	833
834	835     837	839	840	841	843	844	848
849     850	851	852	857	858	859	860	862
863	864	865	866	867	868	869	870	872
877	879	882	884	885	887	888	891	892
893	894	895	896	897	898	904	905	910
913     916	920	926	931	932	934	937     940
941	945	946	948	949	952	953	954	956
959     960     961	963	964	965	966	967	968
969	971	972	974	976	979	980	981	982
983	985	986	990	991	998	---     ---     ---