(Anthony Lee) (10/26/89)
As part of my PhD work, I am trying to write formal specifications of supplementary services. I don't even have informal specifications of simple services such as Call Forwarding or Retry Busy. There are many questions about access: With Call Forwarding, does the subscriber have to subscribe to CF before using it or are there cases where it is just generally available? To use Call Forwarding, a subscriber lifts off the handset and dials the appropriate code. If it is OK for the subscriber to use CF then would he/she receive a confirmation tone? What is the term for the process of making CF available on one's telephone?. Is it called "enable" ? Within the switch itself what is the general term for actually forwarding the call? Would it be called "activation" ? In general what is the term for making a supplementary service available for a telephone ? And what is the general term for actually executing that service? To make this even more complicated, in the Retry Busy service, when the subscriber hears an engaged tone and dials the code for Retry Busy, is that the "enable" part of the service ? And when the switch next scans the destination, would that be called the "activation" part of the service? Even better would some kind soul who works for a telco like to post their specification for supplementary services? I realize a lot of documents must be proprietary but surely supplementary services have been around long enough such that there must be some old docoument lying in the bottom of some filing cabinet. I like those stuff posted about Starline Services but they seem to aim at the customer not the programmer. Anyway thanks in advance. Cheers, Anthony Anthony Lee (Humble PhD student) (Alias Time Lord Doctor) ACSnet: anthony@batserver.cs.uq.oz TEL:(+617) 3712651 Internet: (+617) 3774139 (w) SNAIL: Dept Comp. Science, University of Qld, St Lucia, Qld 4067, Australia