[comp.dcom.telecom] TELECOM Glossary and Acronyms Files Now Available

telecom@eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Moderator) (11/19/89)

I was very pleased to receive a note this past week from Dave Padgitt
sending along a glossary of telecommunications terms. In addition,
another reference file of acronyms has been made available.

The first file has been placed in the Telecom Archives entitled,
'glossary.txt'.  It is a semi-large file, in excess of 60,000 blocks,
so you will want to have room to accomodate it when you capture it
using ftp.

To obtain your copy:
      'ftp cs.bu.edu'
      login 'anonymous' and issue a non-null password.
      'cd telecom-archives'
      'get glossary.txt'
      'get glossary.acronyms'

I'd like to make this a continuing project: As you review it, if you
think of other telecom terms which ought to be listed, send them to me
here, and please ** use the same format and same editing style as the
existing work. ** The reason is, I will take all the additions
eventually received and edit them into a revised glossary.txt. I'd
rather not have to do a lot of extra editing work to make them

A companion file is entitled 'glossary.acronyms', and I hope you will
take a copy of it also, and review it in the same way: with the intent
of adding new acronyms used in the telecommunications industry. This
file is not exclusively telecom-related acronyms, but quite a few of
them are. It was presented to the Telecom Archives by Michael A. Patton.
This file is about 8400 blocks.

If you cannot fetch your copies using ftp -- and your address will
tell me if this is the case or not -- then write and ask me; I will
send a copy from here.

My thanks to Dave and Mike for their valuable additions to the Telecom
Archives.  You can thank them personally by writing to:

          map@lcs.mit.edu  <Michael A. Patton>

Patrick Townson