Mark Earle <> (12/31/89)
Upon having my second line installed, in the demark, there is a circuit across the tip/ring which is a 47 uf cap, a 1n914 diode, and a 15k resistor in series. Aparently, this allows some sort of loop testing. It was screwing up my 2400 baud calles (but 3, 12, and 9600 HST worked fine!). Aparently, there is another of these test circuits on the block outside--there should not have been another at my demark; the installer just forgot to check it. I removed it, then called customer service and confirmed that the test circuit was still on my line, from her it must be outside in the box... the installer admitted he was a manager, catching up on the 'Teel Line Christmas Special' so a regular full time installer probably wouldn't have made this mistake. Just thought y'all might find it of interest. Mark Earle