[comp.dcom.telecom] Computer-Mediated Communication in Education

nrcgsh@uunet.uu.net (N.R. Coombs) (01/10/90)

                Computer-Mediated Communication in Education:
                           An Electronic Conference
                            sponsored by Comserve
               edited and moderated by Professor Norman Coombs
                                       Rochester Institute of Technology
            Members of the Speech Communication Association and other
       interested individuals are invited to participate in an
       electronic conference addressing the uses of computer-mediated
       communication for educational purposes.  The conference will
       explore how electronic mail and computer conferencing might be
       integrated into college education.  Among the topics considered
       will be: the techniques and technologies that are currently being
       used and new ones that are envisioned; uses of electronic mail
       and computer conferencing to deliver information, conduct class
       discussions, handle questions and answers; how these educational
       technnologies influence course content, teaching style, student
       participation; studies that have explored the success of these
       applications, etc.
            The conference will be edited and moderated by Professor
       Norman Coombs of the Rochester Institute of Technology.  Prof.
       Coombs has used electronic mail and computer conferencing to
       teach college courses for the last four years and conducts
       research in the educational applications of information
       technology.  Earlier this year, Prof.  Coombs won a Masters of
       Innovation Award from Zenith for his innovative use of computer
       conferencing in an educational program for deaf students.
            The conference is scheduled to begin January 15, 1990 and
       continue through the Spring semester.  Individuals with
       experience in computer conferencing applications in education,
       individuals who are interested in exploring such applications,
       and graduate students are encouraged to participate.  The
       conference is sponsored by Comserve and will take place over the
       CommEd Hotline.  For more information, send an electronic mail
       message to Support@Rpiecs, or write:
                         Dept. of Lang., Lit., & Communication
                         Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
                         Troy, NY  12180